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23.0 giờ được ghi nhận
ONLY 90's KIDS REMEMBER, unless you were the younger sibling that sicced Mom on us so you could have your turn with the xbox and ruined our all-skulls legendary run (yes we're still salty about that). But hey, you can buy this, git gud, and co-op with your sibling and get the all skulls legendary run together and hopefully fix that rift in your strained family relationship.

Oh, and did I mention you can do this with any of the Halo games?

You ruined your older brothers skull run of Halo 2? (ultimate BS) NOW you can fix it, and you'll be his best man at his wedding now that you've relieved him of that ghost that haunts his past (just make sure you get a babysitter for your kids).

You're a sister and snuck your "boyfriend" over for a "study" session (no lofi) when no one was home and let him play Halo because "your nerdy brother won't be home from his anime club for another hour"

You're a gamer girl and your brother wiped your skulls run of Halo 3 because he thought you were a phony and didn't actually play to enjoy the game - just to brag that you play video games.

and many, many more testimonials I've gotten from people I've played this game with. None of these are my own - I wish my life was that interesting.

This collection is balm for many broken, and strained relationships. It won't fix a dysfunctional family, but it will help bury the hatchet.

Oh and Did I mention it's a perfect emulation of the Halo series? You can now play all the relevant halo games on one platform. Graphics are limited by the games themselves, but they all play smoothly.
Đăng ngày 11 Tháng 8, 2020.
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