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发布于:2023 年 2 月 16 日 上午 3:20
更新于:3 月 18 日 下午 6:49

🎮 Gameplay
A simple Heroes of Might and Magic clone, feeling like it came from the early 2000s
📷 Graphics
Brilliantly done in all areas, the overworld being the main attraction
🎧 Audio
Nothing special, although I did like the noises balls made
🤣 Humour
If you like politically incorrect jokes, and stereotypes don’t upset you, you’ll love it – Although it does get old
Not great, not terrible

If you enjoy Polandball or Countryball memes, this one’s for you. Be aware that it’s only good for a laugh, nothing more. A lack of depth and uniqueness leaves nothing to be remembered.

📝 Main Pros, Cons, and Suggestions:

🟩 Pros:

+ Intro video is brilliant (featuring Lord Gaben)
+ Humour is enjoyable, focusing on stereotypes
+ Auto combat (manual combat wasn’t fun, so I’m happy I could skip it)
+ A well done take on Heroes of Might and Magic (although dated and shallow)
+ For you achievement hunters out there, it takes roughly 6 hours to 100%

🟥 Cons:

- Bugs (not many)
- Some may find the style of humour unamusing
- Combat feels uninspiring, as if it came from the early 2000s
- Skill trees feel like an afterthought, lacking any creativity (increase X by Y)
- Limited playable Countryballs (Poland, America, China, Russia, and Germany), with Poland having two balls
- Countryballs are much the same, no uniqueness (outside of names, art, and stereotypes) with combat, spells, skill trees, or units

🏷️ Suggestions:

~ Include more countries
~ Make countries unique (outside of artwork alone)
~ Study the memes and implement their humour, stereotypes get old fast

Booting up, I was greeted by a brilliant intro video. Our beloved Polandball was defending its home from Chinaball and Russiaball. Defeat was imminent, and casualties were high… That was until the mighty Gabenball was summoned! Time to whip out and play with your balls in this lighthearted take on Heroes of Might and Magic (HOMM)!

CountryBalls Heroes features two campaigns, Polandball and Americaball. In addition to this, there are a handful of other balls for you to play with across several maps, allowing for custom matches against 1 to 3 balls. Gameplay is simple, and if you’ve previously played HOMM, you’ll feel right at home. If you’ve not played a turn-based strategy game before, don’t fret, let me teach you the way of the ball (and mems).

I selected Russiaball (bratan, give me all the vodka!), and decided to battle against the oil guzzling Americans, tea drinking British, and the dumpling loving Chinese. Now, I’m sure I’ve already offended some with these stereotypes (and the handful of ball jokes), but this is in line with the humour of CountryBalls Heroes, so if you don’t like it, steer clear.

The world is vibrant, filled with character, and there’s plenty to capture your attention. Upon entering, you’re greeted by your hero, who travels around the map collecting artefacts and items to power themselves up, along with recruiting unique balls. There are many recruitable balls, all with their own unique designs and stereotypes. For example, the UNball is a useless fairy, Somaliaball is a pirate, and I won’t begin to tell you what the Palestineball is depicted as…

You also have an amazing city which you can upgrade to give you perks, such as more resources or higher tier units. Unfortunately, this is where everything quickly goes downhill. Uniqueness is lacking in every aspect.

Don’t get fooled by the fancy (and funny) designs of the balls. Regardless of which Countryball you select, all heroes and units play the same. This lack of uniqueness is further felt in skill trees. They’re all a simple ‘increase X by Y’, with nothing to differentiate Countryballs.

Overall, CountryBalls Heroes feels like a rushed title. While the foundation is there for a basic HOMM clone, other than the politically incorrect humour, I felt like no thought was put into the game. While it’s good for a laugh, it leaves nothing to be remembered. Finally, remember, Polan Stronk!

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