Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
24/35 (69%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

An End to Racism

Stop racism in South Park
Avattu 23.10.2017 klo 0.29

Fully Bloated

Unlock all combat TimeFarts
Avattu 21.1. klo 3.47


Find 10 costume pieces
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 9.39


Craft 10 distinct recipes
Avattu 19.10.2017 klo 9.21

Death Dodger

Keep an Ally alive for an entire combat while they take twice their max Health in damage
Avattu 19.10.2017 klo 8.19

Deep Seated Power

Obtain and equip Artifacts to reach 600 Might
Avattu 23.10.2017 klo 0.45

Class Warfare

Equip powers from 2 different classes
Avattu 17.10.2017 klo 20.22

Toxic Environment

Loot 100 Biohazard items
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 9.08

Pasta of Prophets

Craft a macaroni picture for Moses
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 9.56


Become mutual followers with 10 people in South Park
Avattu 17.10.2017 klo 19.21

Divine Wind

Successfully Fartkour to the Lofts at SoDoSoPa rooftop and back down again
Avattu 22.10.2017 klo 18.55

Last Kid Standing

Win while 3 Allies are downed at the end of combat
Avattu 22.10.2017 klo 19.13


Reach the highest rank on 1 title in your Character Sheet
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 19.38

Chaos Controlled

Foil the plans of Professor Chaos
Avattu 19.10.2017 klo 8.45

Call in a Favor

Use a Summon
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 9.18

Invasive Tumor Removal

Defeat Mutant Cousin Kyle
Avattu 25.10.2017 klo 20.07

Master Classed

Equip powers from 4 different classes
Avattu 29.10.2017 klo 21.18

Epic Artificer

Craft an Artifact with a Might value of 75 or more
Avattu 22.10.2017 klo 19.30

Glitch of Death

Use TimeFart Glitch to cause a status-effected enemy to lose their turn and die at turn's end
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 21.11

Through the Bowels of Time

Survive the farts of future past
Avattu 30.10.2017 klo 6.50

Diabetes Defender

Defend a helpless child from a drunk lunatic
Avattu 18.10.2017 klo 9.20

Big Knocker

Kill an enemy by knocking another enemy into them
Avattu 17.10.2017 klo 8.22

Character Sheet Elite

Reach the highest rank on 5 titles in your Character Sheet
Avattu 8.12.2017 klo 5.16

Potty Trained

Use a toilet and achieve the highest mastery level
Avattu 17.10.2017 klo 8.18

Crappin' Forte

Use every available toilet in South Park and achieve the highest mastery level for each
3 / 21

Boy Love Aficionado

Find all Yaoi art pieces
38 / 40

Orgy of Power

Use all Allies' Ultimate powers once during the game, except the Coon's

Stop, Drop and Roll

Win a combat by using TimeFart Pause to kill all remaining enemies at once before time resumes

The Token Experience

Create a Black character and complete the game on Mastermind Difficulty
6 / 100

Farts over Freckles

Pick a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeat him

Corporate Wolf

Reach the highest economic value on your Character Sheet
0 / 7

Cosplay Curious

Wear costume pieces from 3 different sets at once

Master Manipulator

Confuse or charm an enemy into defeating another enemy

Friend Finder

Acquire and unlock all Summons

Pick Yourself up by Your Bootstraps

Collect all loot in the Homeless Camp at SoDoSoPa