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게시 일시: 2018년 10월 22일 오전 4시 14분

It's a good entry, but by no means the best in the series. There is more history to learn here than in previous titles, and it very much ends the saga of Trinity and Lara discovering herself and sets the stage for a return to the classic "Tomb Raider" in future titles.

Gameplay is the same as the previous titles combat-wise, however, this time around, instead of waiting for the story to give you new tools and to find upgrades for them, this time around you buy most of the tools from vendors spread across the game, which means you can begin to explore more places earlier than usual.

The tombs are much better designed and more interesting to explore than in previous titles.
The story is a little more close to Lara and her family, and shows why Trinity exists etc.

I'd say it's a solid 7.5/10, an interesting experience overall.

P.S. Ignore the salty reviewbombers. People who wanted to play this game at launch bought it at launch. It makes absolutely no difference that the devs have put it on sale ~1 month later.
You're either the type of person that wanted to play this at launch or the type that waited for it to go on sale.
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