
Последние обзоры Aceek

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102.4 ч. всего (46.5 ч. в момент написания)
I am not the kind of person who tends to write reviews about the games I play. However, in this case, I felt like writing something decent for this masterpiece because this game hit me harshly with its fun yet disturbing atmosphere.
The game's interesting dialogue and storyline
The dialogue is written amazingly and full of emotions in a way that makes you feel connected to the charismatic characters as you met them for years, with each character having a unique personality. The game's ambiance can also bring you a perfect kind of suspense and psychological horror that makes you feel pretty much curious to discover what's going on in the protagonist's mind and the entire game's well-written story. Trust me, try to play the game as blind as possible and see for yourself how interesting this experience can be.
The gameplay and its weird world
Although inspired by the Mother series, its turn-based combat is extremely unique in lots of ways and pretty fun once you get fully used to it, with lots of different skills to equip and experiment with its odd yet exciting combat. The world is full of interesting NPCs and stuff to do as well as side quests with rewards that can help you engage against more powerful foes, making the exploration very satisfactory, fulfilling you with funny and weird dialogues from certain NPCs that come across your way.
The amazing official soundtrack
The soundtrack is extremely well-made and astonishing to listen to, with each area having a unique battle theme and making you feel excited to fight your enemies. Each time I heard one new interesting song I instantly went to look for it on the internet and I even plan on buying this game's amazing soundtrack to both listen to it and support its developers.
Honestly, this is now considered one of my top 10 favorite games of all time and it has a special place in the bottom of my heart, I loved every second of it! 10/10 I got depression after finishing Omori.
Опубликовано 24 марта 2023 г..
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