Ohio, United States
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CHASMALVICE 3 февр. в 23:10 
not even a day after posting, he "has more to say" and hits up my youtube account where people can't see him.
this is very sadly pathetic.
CHASMALVICE 3 февр. в 7:39 
i used to be happy for you, when started harassing me like this, because you told me you recovered from your porn addiction, and you had stopped drinking yourself blind from your alcoholism, and that you even stopped smoking weed and oil because your lack of self control was ruining your life. but it's clear thats a lie now. you're still a broken child, from a broken home, who hates their parents and their sister because you're so self pitying all you can think of is yourself.
i loved you like a brother, until you took your pain out on me.
but i am sorry for you, and thats it adolph.
I do not think about you, and i can say easily my life is better without you.

keep sending me messages, because i know your attempt to save yourself is a lie, and like for the past years, you will be back because you can't handle ruining the only friendship you had where someone genuinely cared about you.

you used to be one of my best friends.
god bless and i hope you someday manage to find peace.
fledermauuz 3 февр. в 6:59 
mid monologue, next time share it with people who asked
FireKingExtreme 3 февр. в 6:09 
anyways, i've come and done what i've set my mind too, i have nothing more to say to any of you, not even to "CHAS" except you all suck and im glad im rid of vermin like you in my life, im going to block communications from now on, may an atomic war take you all.
FireKingExtreme 3 февр. в 6:01 
no, you dum dum, most likely got auto deleted by a bot because i throw in a curse or two, same ♥♥♥♥ happens on youtube, now can you please stop being a white knight, im not even talking to you.
fledermauuz 3 февр. в 4:21 
bro has meltdown in chat and tries to pretend the message just vanished, pop off queen, i saw the cope