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0.0 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 4,638.8 uur in totaal (2,356.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 13 dec 2016 om 20:33
Gewijzigd: 23 nov 2018 om 21:21

CSGO is worth the $15 however i feel valve has their priorities skrewed up. they like to implement new cases and visual upgrades to a game that doesnt need this large or a visual/cosmetic change when other MAJOR issues are occuring and money could be better spent on more major VAC ban waves/updates or truly fixing the hitboxes. overall csgo is great but has unessesary changes coming its way. not to mention the TOXIC community and the deranking you will receive through little fault of your own as 5 man lobbies are hard to come by and randoms wouldnt have a clue of the difference between their arse and their nose.
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