what can i say, im just him
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my dress up darling alight motion edit
Finding Beauty in the Departure

In the depths of my existence, a shadow looms, suffocating me with its oppressive presence. It whispers dark promises of an inevitable demise, a fate from which I cannot escape. Day by day, it gnaws at my soul, dragging me deeper into the abyss of despair.

People ask about my dreams, my aspirations, but I have none. How can I dream of a future when every moment is consumed by the crushing weight of emptiness? The shadow within me, it feeds on my hope, devouring any flicker of light that dares to penetrate its darkness.

My family, they toil endlessly to provide, but they do not see the darkness that consumes me from within. "Kazuki, you have to work hard so you can take care of us in the future," my parents' words echoed in the hollow chambers of my mind, a relentless refrain that haunted my every waking moment. Their words of encouragement were but echoes in the void, drowned out by the relentless whispers of despair. I am alone, adrift in a sea of apathy, drowning in the depths of my own sorrow.

My sister, once a beacon of light in my darkened world, now stands distant and indifferent. Her gaze pierces me with the cold indifference of a stranger, her silence a reminder of the chasm that separates us. I long to bridge the divide, to feel the warmth of her embrace once more, but the darkness within me has driven her away.

School offers no respite from the torment of my existence. Despite my academic achievements, I am an outcast, a pariah shunned by my peers. Their eyes, filled with disdain and contempt, pierce me like daggers, their whispers a symphony of scorn. I am invisible, a ghost haunting the halls of my own despair.

Life unfolded before me like a monotonous procession, each day blending seamlessly into the next in a haze of apathy and ennui. The weight of existence bore down upon me, a burden too heavy to bear, suffocating and relentless.

A longing for oblivion whispered in the recesses of my mind, a siren's call beckoning me towards the sweet release of nothingness. I yearned to erase myself from the tapestry of existence, to fade into the void and escape the ceaseless monotony of life.

And then, on that fateful day, it spoke to me. A voice from the shadows, a harbinger of liberation and release. In its words, I found solace and purpose, a fleeting moment of clarity amidst the chaos of my despair.

The shadow spoke, its voice a sinister melody that reverberates through the hollow caverns of my mind. "Your time is nigh Kazuki" it murmurs, its words a harbinger of doom. And in that moment, I embrace the darkness, surrendering to the void that beckons from beyond.

"You're an odd one," the dark figure remarked, it whispers in the shadows. "Well who wouldn't be happy?" I tell the dark figure.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips, laden with resignation. "I'm just glad that I can finally go. I hope I can depart in a way that won't burden my parents with tears. Though, I doubt they'd shed any for me anyway."

The figure's gaze bore into my essence, probing the depths of my despair. "yes your parents don't care about you, Kazuki. I'm certain you can sense that, you always have."

A bitter scoff tore through the silence. "If they ever truly cared, they would have checked up on me. But they never did. Always too consumed by trying to make money other than spare a moment for their own son."

My fingers traced the the rope, a grim reminder of my impending fate. I had purchased it with my mother's debit card, masking its true purpose with a flimsy excuse. When questioned, I offered a feeble explanation, dismissing her concerns with a wave of my hand.

"It's for a science project, Mom," I had lied, the words tasting like ash on my tongue. Her confusion lingered, a silent question hanging in the air. But she brushed it off, dismissing my peculiar behavior as nothing more than youthful eccentricity.

Her words, a stark reminder of the chasm that separated us, echoed in the hollow recesses of my mind. "Don't stay up too late," she had admonished, her voice tinged with weariness.

"Honestly, hanging by rope might be too painful," the shadowy figure's voice echoed in the dimly lit room, a specter of concern amidst the darkness. "Are you sure you don't want to reconsider and find a less agonizing way to end your suffering?"

I brushed off the warning with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Nah, it'll be brief. I'm sure of it."

With trembling hands, I set the rope in place atop the ceiling fan, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of finality. Each moment felt like an eternity as I wrapped the noose around my neck, my breaths shallow and strained.

As I stepped onto the chair, a shroud of silence enveloped me, broken only by the creak of wood and the whispered symphony of my own doubts. With a final breath, I pushed the chair away, surrendering to the void.

Pain surged through my body, a visceral reminder of the fragility of existence. Desperate gasps for air fell upon deaf ears as the darkness closed in around me, suffocating and unrelenting.

Seconds stretched into minutes as I teetered on the precipice of oblivion, grappling with the agony of my own demise. With each passing moment, the veil of consciousness grew thinner, until finally... silence.

the darkness enveloped me like a shroud. And in that moment, I was free, liberated from the shackles of my own existence.

I hovered looking at my lifeless form, a spectral witness to my own demise. The world faded into nothingness as I gazed upon the shell of my existence, a mere echo of the life I once knew.

But even in death, the shadows linger, haunting me with their silent reproach. I am a specter, condemned to wander the corridors of my own despair for all eternity. And as I drift into the abyss, I am consumed by the knowledge that I am alone, stuck here and forever lost.

Hours crept by like reluctant shadows until the faint sound of footsteps echoed through the silent halls. My sister's presence drew closer, her concern palpable even through the barrier of my closed door.

"Hey, big brother," her voice, tinged with worry, seeped through the cracks. "I wanted to talk to you because I noticed you haven’t been yourself lately. Is everything alright? Can I come in?"

The unexpected concern pierced through the veil of my solitude, stirring a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions within me. This display of care from my sister, so alien yet so desperately craved, struck a dissonant chord within my fractured soul.

Without warning, my sister slowly opened my door revealing the harrowing tableau of my lifeless form suspended from the ceiling. Shock painted my sister's face as she stumbled backward in horror, her screams lost in despair.

In a flurry of panicked movements, she fled downstairs, her sobs echoing in the hollow hallway of our home. A frantic call to our parents shattered the fragile semblance of normalcy, summoning them back to the scene of my demise.

As they rushed home, a whirlwind of chaos and grief engulfed the once-quiet abode. My father's stoic facade crumbled beneath the weight of his emotions, while my mother's anguished cries pierced through the veil of denial.

In the midst of the turmoil, I remained a silent observer, a spectral witness to the agony unfolding before me. The tendrils of regret coiled around my essence, suffocating me in a suffocating embrace of remorse.

In the hushed stillness of the afterlife, a voice echoes through the void, piercing the veil of darkness that shrouds the departed Kazuki. "Humans don't appreciate what they have," it intones, a somber reminder of the fragility of mortal existence.

Startled by the spectral presence, a figure emerges from the shadows, a petite lady with an otherworldly beauty that belies her ageless nature. Her soulless eyes gleam with an icy intensity, capable of freezing even the bravest soul in its tracks. Standing at a height of 5'6", she exud
Johan 19/jun./2020 às 13:52 