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发布于:2015 年 5 月 7 日 上午 11:16
更新于:2015 年 6 月 3 日 下午 12:11

Perimeter is a Great strategy game! It has its own crowd. It's NOT a game for many...

Why really? I explain...

Perimeter is like playing an RTS chess game. You play both for capturing and keeping the ground and assault all the time. But now you'll ask.. That's what we do in strategy games,isn't it? The answer is NOT exactly.

Before you begin playing the game... Read the manual. I explain some things but I can't cover everything. Here you can find another's guy review for the expansion and he explains many things, too. The games campaign is designed in a bad way I would say. While it tries to exhibit the game and show you some strategies it fails to the point that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you to deep waters without leaving you take a breath. Nothing is explained. It gives you the new units and it's up to you to test and see what they do or WHAT they CAN do. So, if you ever TEST this game have those in mind as there are very few videos even on the internet. A great strategy but ONLY with its own crowd. The men that kept playing and learning it.

A small introduction...

There are 3 races: The Empire , Exodus and HeartBack. It is supposed that the human race expanded many centuries but their civilization got to the zenith. A great nature call came to bring destruction and stability to the human technological advancement and that was the Scourge. The Scourge are animals or supernatural forces to that attack the civilization. So the humans made Arks, the so called Frames. People live to those GREAT moveable cities and are born new all the time. The purpose of their travel is to find a world without Scourge to inhabit. Off course the game would be completely out if it was ONLY for the Scourge and Human Kind. The 3 races fight each other because there is great distance in their opinions. Like large Nations, their councils decide of them which path to take. The Empire tries to keep things as always were. Trying to keep the power to the Emperor only. The Exodus mission is to find the new world while fighting the Scourge. The Heartback lost their mission and mind and used the Scourge to fight all the others who never let them to get back and see their mistake.

End of the story and start the strategy. All depend on the ground. The ground is the source of energy and it has to be terraformed flat to give the energy to the so called Energy cores.As much area an energy core keeps so the better. The Frame is the King in Chess. If it falls, Game Over! The frame has very little power to power up devices around it as it is installed to earth. If it flies it powers nothing. If the ground has cracks you have to terraform it to build upon it and if cracks occur while there are buildings on it they will start being destroyed. That's why the game keeps telling for attacks even if the attack has finished or after it started. Because till the crack occurs takes time. Your eyes have to be peeled to the map all the time for threats. The terraforming is automatic as much the auto repair. That's why while on attack you'll see the energy drain in vast quantities. The buildings try to be autorepaired and the broken land to be terraformed again while at the same time your gun installations hit the opponent. Everything uses power here. You have to produce this power or have to stop it from draining. Because NO energy = Game Over.

You can produce many unit types but you have a population cap of 250. There are 3 type of units to produce which can be transformed to any type of unit you want dependant of the quantity of the starting units. There are the soldiers, the officers and the nano technicians. The last can heal every unit because everything is mechanical. eg. If you want a plane it may take 5 soldiers and 3 officers and 1 nano technician for each one. You can make up to 5 squads. Every energy core can have an independant shield or you can call the Perimeter, that is the shield of all cores at the same time. The energy consumption is vast. However the game will teach you how to play chess with it. You'll lose many times to understand the game logic. But after that you'll see it's a great game. The HARD core types of units are the Scummers, the Bombies and the Special units. Yes, every race may have the same types of normal units BUT it has its own special ones. Those units are the worst because they do tremendous damage mainly to the ground. If the ground falls, everything upon it will be destroyed while the base loses great energy to keep it alive. GOT THE POINT?

For all the above that noone explains the game has very few followers.

So now... Graphics and sounds are great for this game even after many years. CodeMasters is the company and that is a Great publisher of quality games. As for the story, I made the introduction. The difficulty of the game after a point is HARD to VERY HARD. So..

ARM yourself with patience and learn the game, because I think it deseves it! To ALL HARD CORE Strategy Fans!
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