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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 16.2 hrs on record
Posted: Jun 26, 2018 @ 3:27am
Updated: Jun 26, 2018 @ 3:32am

Early Access Review
After seeing the first early access build a little under 2 years ago, I quickly hopped on the hype train and purchased the game. The early versions of the game were buggy and had little content, but I engrossed myself into 15 hours of what I thought was completely enjoyable. Now, a little under 2 years later, I cannot say I share the same sentiment of joy.

[This next section is a rant about a specific experience I have just had, skip this next paragraph if you don't want to hear me complain]

My problems begin before I even am walking around yet. When creating your character, you are given the option between different classes, each with varying amounts of points to allocate through a sort of skill tree, except the "skills" are for unlocking the ability to craft objects. These are separated into 3 categories: Engineering, Combat, and Science. For some reason, key items are placed into this skill tree in ways that you can be unable to unlock them. One of the first items you're told to create in the beginning of the game is a Furnace. Except I had allocated my 45 Combat points to other things, so I was left unable to craft the first, and arguable most important, item in the game.

This is ontop of many 'updated' things that only detract from my experience, namely:
  • The confusing U.I.
  • Movement updates to the player as well as monsters
  • A constant and nausiating blur that is present even with Depth of Field turned off (might I add that the game is unplayable with it turned on, don't do it)

In the current state of the game, I have to give it an overwhelmingly negative review. I wish there was a way to revert it back to the state it was in 2 years ago, because it was honestly a fun experience.
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Picuu Jul 15, 2018 @ 11:48am 
Holy crap King'sGambit, chill the fuck down man, you seriously need some mental health check dude. The way you unleashed this weird hatred toward Abrogotadollar is way too much. You seriously need to reflect about this. Abrogotadollar has every right to write whatever he wants and 16 hours is more than enough to state what someone thinks about a game. PERIOD.
But the weirdest part is how you made this so personal, like if you created this game, like if he was actually aiming his review towards something you carefully crafted. It's just a game man, and it is clear as fuck that you need to get off this game for a while.
I'm thinking of buying it, but people like you gives the game bad rep.
Azure Dragon, Mugen (無限青) Jul 1, 2018 @ 6:39pm 
lol. I went after YOUR review, because it stated things that were inherently FALSE. if you had made a true case, I would have left you alone, but you didn't. get over it. What YOU think of ME, is worth as much as dog feces in someones lawn. Have a nice day, troll xD I am so done with your stupidity.
Ay̡BroG̴ot̶ADo̕ll̨ar? Jul 1, 2018 @ 6:35pm 
I implore you to go to every positive review with less than 16 hours and tell them to play more before reviewing the game. If you don't do that, then you're just a filthy hypocrite who likes stirring shit up.

and finally,
Ay̡BroG̴ot̶ADo̕ll̨ar? Jul 1, 2018 @ 6:35pm 
"Hate bandwagon"
You completely assume that I'm just hating the game because it's 'cool to hate it', and that it's completely unfathomable that I have the genuine opinion of disliking the game.

If I can't decide that I don't like a game after 16 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY, then I'm either the most indecisive person, or apparently just you. Sixteen hours should be MORE than enough time to decide if I don't like a game or not.

"ALOT of hard work and effort has gone into making this game quality..."
Did I ever state that the company didn't put a lot of effort in? No, that's just the words you're throwing out to make me look bad. I completely understand that making a game is a lot of tough shit, but I'm also allowed to say that I DON'T LIKE THE GAME.
Azure Dragon, Mugen (無限青) Jul 1, 2018 @ 6:27am 
Furthermore, in its current state, the game is far less buggy, and far more stable, with far more content, than it had going for it two years ago. There's literally nothing about the game that hasn't been improved. This is how I know that you're full of crap. ALOT of hard work and effort has gone into making this game quality, by a company with fewer than 20 staff - I don't think you understand how remarkable it is for a company that small to have the capacity to develope a game this complex in that short of a timespan.

If you want to dislike a game be my guest, but don't hop on the hate bandwagon and chase away potential new players when you don't know the first thing about the game - it's petty and shallow!
Azure Dragon, Mugen (無限青) Jul 1, 2018 @ 6:26am 
"Jesus fucking christ my guy. I don't think you understand that people are allowed to have their own opinions, much less express them. It is CLEARLY stated in a big blue box that this is an EARLY ACCESS REVIEW. I know this is an alpha build. I know what early access is. I'm simply stated my views on the game and how it has changed since I first played it 2 years ago. "

Dude, you made a negative review after having played 16 hours. SIXTEEN HOURS!. You haven't even given it a real chance and you're bitching about how "terrible" it is. If anyone is being childish, it's YOU. I highly doubt you played it more than two years ago because the game hasn't even been around that long, it was realeased late 2016 as a private early access game.
Ay̡BroG̴ot̶ADo̕ll̨ar? Jun 30, 2018 @ 10:25pm 
Jesus fucking christ my guy. I don't think you understand that people are allowed to have their own opinions, much less express them. It is CLEARLY stated in a big blue box that this is an EARLY ACCESS REVIEW. I know this is an alpha build. I know what early access is. I'm simply stated my views on the game and how it has changed since I first played it 2 years ago.

"survival games obviously aren't for you" How does that even have any correlation to this? Because I don't enjoy this survival game in its current state anymore, I'm not allowed to like an entire genre of games I enjoy playing?

If you don't agree with my review, don't rate it as helpful. You call me a troll and state that I'm lying for posting my own views AND THEN get defensive about me explaining myself? Honestly just take a step back and look at how ridiculously childish you're acting.
Azure Dragon, Mugen (無限青) Jun 30, 2018 @ 9:47pm 
And to state the obvious here, this is a gods damned alpha build. You're here to help test, not have a frucking jolly good time playing an unbroken game. You want a stable unbroken game without any issues, get the fuck out of early access games, because that is the expectation when opting in - to TEST the game for bugs.
Azure Dragon, Mugen (無限青) Jun 30, 2018 @ 9:44pm 
this all comes full circle to what I said initially: survival games obviously aren't for you. It would be in your best interest to find another genre.
Azure Dragon, Mugen (無限青) Jun 30, 2018 @ 9:42pm 
"I'm not a self entitled troll, you are!" Gods how many times do I hear this when I call someone out? what a pain :/ I have been playing the game for 20 hours now, and I have yet to run into even ONE of the issues you stated. Also, there are ways to get skill points for ALL classes simply by gathering. This is another point where you lied. You can pick up rocks for combat exp, gather from trees for science, and mine ore for engineering. The only place where movement is an issue, is space. When you leave your craft to mine the space ore, you have to be in 3rd person to move up or down properly.

If you're going to make a review, do it right. don't lie, for starters, and don't make crap up when you have nothing to contribute.

I called you a troll because that is what you are. Making fake reviews is a form of trolling.