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ihorbekus 28 mai 2022 à 7h35 
1yur 27 mai 2022 à 7h40 
думаю так, але після оновлення IRM
ihorbekus 26 mai 2022 à 9h18 
Yur можна спитати тебе про #Modjam 2020 і fleet overlords. Ти будеш перероблювати його чи ні? Дуже хочу знати. Дякую.
Royal Majesty 12 sept. 2021 à 19h03 
Hi there, I just want to say that I've really been enjoying your Imperial Routine mod for Stellaris! I've also noticed (not sure if this is intended or not) that the mod caps the number of sectors one can have at 10. I've been looking through your code to try and find a fix, any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Of course, if your not interested I totally understand.

Hoping to hear from you and have a great day! Again, really good mod. Frankly, it should be in vanilla.
Captain 28 avr. 2021 à 6h12 
Added you, hoping I could talk with you about your Fleet Overlord mod, the current "Modjam" mod is entirely broken.

Hope to hear from ya soon =)
The Rioter 5 aout 2019 à 14h36 
Hey I wanted to add you and ask about your stellaris mod