ᛏᛖᛞᛞᛠ   Norrkoping, Ostergotlands Lan, Sweden
In articulo mortis
Caelitus mihi vires
Deo adjuvante non timendum
In perpetuum
Dirige nos domine
Ad augusta per angusta
Sic itur ad astra
Sin conexión
1 bloqueo en juego registrado | Detalles
2958 día(s) desde su último bloqueo
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
All around the world, there is chaos.
All around the world, there is death.
All around the world, there is war.
But in the North, there is something worth defending.
This We'll Defend.
This is Sweden.
At the moment of death
My strength is from heaven
God helping, nothing should be feared
Direct us, O Lord
To high places by narrow roads
Such is the path to the stars
Ever upward

Expositor de artwork
True vikings
⎝⧹Sigma⧸⎠ 24 DIC 2023 a las 4:06 a. m. 
Dear Smoof,

It's time for my annual Christmas message!
I hope last year was a great year and that you can end the year with friends and family.
May next year be just as great, or even better for you!

Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!
⎝⧹Sigma⧸⎠ 24 DIC 2022 a las 5:00 a. m. 
Smoof I'd like to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
May 2023 be a great new year for you and your family, with exciting new moments and making new friends!
⎝⧹Sigma⧸⎠ 1 ENE 2022 a las 4:31 a. m. 
Smoof, 2021 might not have been the best year for you, with the restrictions, lockdowns and many others things turning your world up side down. But you managed to pull through! I wish 2022 to be THE year for you! May it be a year filled with happiness and many great memories!

I wish you an amazing 2022! :heartris:
⎝⧹Sigma⧸⎠ 24 DIC 2021 a las 11:42 a. m. 
I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas! May you have an amazing time with your friends and family!
⎝⧹Sigma⧸⎠ 25 DIC 2020 a las 1:56 a. m. 
I'd like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
⎝⧹Sigma⧸⎠ 1 ENE 2020 a las 2:02 a. m. 
Happy new year!!