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41.9 hrs last two weeks / 10,362.6 hrs on record (10,336.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 27, 2018 @ 6:48pm
Updated: Jun 6 @ 11:20am

"A unique masterpiece that will forever hold a place in gaming history, although it's not without it's faults, as every game is. Definitely worth a try!"

That was my original review of Team Fortress 2 back in 2018, when I had around 6,400 hours in game. I meant every word, and I continued to play and enjoy TF2. I now have 11,000+ hours in game.

I have never regretted anything more in my life.

For years I've been banging my head against a wall trying to find some sort of enjoyment out of this title, but all for naught. The state TF2 has been left to fester in is absolutely disgraceful. Valve has willfully ignored the bots and cheaters this entire time despite repeated attempts to get them to listen. The bots invade servers by the hundreds, blatantly cheating and making 90%+ of matches borderline unplayable. Often times they also spam both in text and voice chat, doing anything from screaming the most vile hate speech imaginable, advertising their "bot immunity" service, or playing extremely loud music. They slander prominent members of the community and do so with absolutely no shame - and zero concern for any consequences.

DESPITE THIS, Valve has continue to release cookie cutter seasonal "updates" multiple times a year wherein they release new loot boxes, thus MAKING MONEY HAND OVER FIST from item sales. Keep in mind that the amount of effort necessary to adapt Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) to handle these issues is minuscule; all the tools are already in place, they just need to be tweaked.

As far as I am concerned, Valve has been all but openly condoning cheating and all forms of hate speech by refusing to properly address the matter at hand. This NEEDS to stop. You don't get to bury your heads in the sand anymore. If you don't fix it, your community WILL make you regret it.

If you're new to TF2, do yourself a favor: don't play it. Not until Valve agrees to AND DELIVERS on our one simple demand. And for returning players? Well, I for one won't be playing again anytime soon. I've wasted far too much time on this disappointment as it is.

Fix TF2. That's all we ask.
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