X3 Reunion Players X3P
X3 Reunion Players X3P
12 вересня 2007 р.
Коментарів: 35
Av3ng3r_Inkm07h 26 трав. 2014 о 1:32 
Is there not a quest log!?
The Colonel 14 лют. 2014 о 8:38 
Hi all, total noob to this game. Was recomended to me because I like games with a trading element and while it downloads I thought best join the community.
Hyperion 24 груд. 2013 о 14:55 
Anyone else uses a joystick for this? I have problems with the throttle axis, I had to disable it in the launcher to make it work properly. The problem is that I have a Saitek X52 Pro where there are a kind of notches at 2 places on the stick, dividing it at 25% and 75% I think. In X2, when I felt that it stopped on the 1st notch at 25%, I was at 0 speed. But now in X3 Reunion I am going backwards and must push the stick more forward a bit.

It will most probably also happen in X3 Terran Conflict when I start to play it, so I need to get it solved fast. Anyone knows how to fine-tune the axis? And no, sensitivity didn't do the trick
Dahkteromar 14 серп. 2013 о 19:22 
Hi there!
I have just installed the Bonus Pack for Reunion and I would like to know how can I check if all components are up and running?
So far my in-game experience tells me that all of them are active but just in case...
SearGeico 12 серп. 2013 о 11:19 
Rebirth sooooooooooooooooon!!!!!
sleepy 19 трав. 2013 о 1:40 
hello everyone! this is a group i might actually be interested in :D
Elizabeth 25 берез. 2013 о 22:56 
Can Someone Gift me the game
spore 28 січ. 2013 о 10:02 
yay, I am number 333 in this group! There are 3 episodes in X3, which has also a 3 in it :D
[E] Caladus 7 черв. 2012 о 17:25 
Rebirth? I had heard August or later actually.
WeedWhackerDood 5 черв. 2012 о 13:58 
When is the new Game coming? Thought it was supposed to be June???
Dannybuster75 5 квіт. 2012 о 16:59 
it has window mode? wtf
RahZelphon 25 берез. 2012 о 21:28 
Bonjour a tous, si quelqu\'un pourrait me donner quelques tuyaux pour bien démarrer en mode custom je suis preneur ! En effet le commerce ne rapporte pas grand chose quant aux annonces dans les stations impossible de les faire car vaisseaux pas assez performant, Merci d\'avance !
Зимагор 5 лют. 2012 о 1:27 
вот всё что смог найти-озвучки нет, только текстовые файлы. Проблема в том, что русик от НД не видит тгру в Steam
Зимагор 4 лют. 2012 о 18:58 
такая же фигня
RodGer 25 груд. 2011 о 4:12 
И как мне игру Русифицировать???
tedbrass316 5 груд. 2011 о 17:54 
any one ever have a problum opening x3 reunion in full screen mode. works fin in window mode but crashes in full screen.
andy.r.t 29 серп. 2011 о 6:51 
pretty much quit this game when i got Battlefield Bad Company 2. Still have memories of marathon gameplay of it
andy.r.t 29 серп. 2011 о 6:47 
don't forget CYCROWS mod installer for Star Trek/Gate,Babylon 5, etc ships
andy.r.t 29 серп. 2011 о 6:46 
would suggest anyone playing this game uses game controller with lots of buttons. Interface is fine as long as you set up buttons right for quick use
WOMBAT21341 12 лип. 2011 о 1:30 
start in compatibility mode
noise should play out automaticaly
Poly 10 лип. 2011 о 14:21 
I bought the game now, but i can't hear any actors talking and my weapons don't make any sounds! But the background music plays...
Plague 10 лип. 2011 о 12:42 
Not really.
Poly 10 лип. 2011 о 2:17 
hi there! are there any mods for X3-Reunion?for better interface for exemple?
Killa17 🌌🎶 12 черв. 2011 о 17:14 
Posting while on meds = bad idea. Thought this was the Terran Conflict group, lol.
Killa17 🌌🎶 12 черв. 2011 о 17:13 
It's got a pretty steep learning curve, yes. But once you get the hang of it, this game can keep you busy for months and months. My first playthrough I played the same save for 7 months, Reunion (TC's predecessor), I played the same save for almost 2 years.
t r a t 25 квіт. 2011 о 20:31 
If you guys haven't heard about the new X, you can check it out:

here: http://www.egosoft.com/news/current_en.php#news798

here: http://www.egosoft.com/x/xnews/201104_44_xr_news.html

and here: http://www.deepsilver.com/en/game-view/ ... x-rebirth/
andy.r.t 23 квіт. 2011 о 6:56 
any possibility that a new X3 or X4 game will ever be out. Anybody remember the days of ELITE ?(you must be an old timer) vector graphics on the old C64,docking to the blue danube,hours and hours of gameplay, now look at the X2,X3,X3TC Universe (massive leap forward)
andy.r.t 23 квіт. 2011 о 6:52 
does anyone else agree that X3 Reunion is better than X3TC? and why?
andy.r.t 15 квіт. 2011 о 13:54 
seems all star trek ships can use kyon emitters
andy.r.t 15 квіт. 2011 о 12:40 
mnlkapp> would hope you have got your hands on CYCROWS INSTALLER... can add Star Trek ships and lot more. Be warned - do not add too many
LKPOWER 12 квіт. 2011 о 13:48 
I'm new to it. Trying to build an empire
andy.r.t 30 берез. 2011 о 11:40 
would have liked it if there had been a gate manufacturing facility - place new gates to link systems .. eg; Ore Belt - Paranid Prime
andy.r.t 30 берез. 2011 о 11:38 
Is anyone still playing X3R - X3TC? how do you feel they compare?
andy.r.t 30 берез. 2011 о 11:35 
while i have squeezed every inch of life i could out of X3 Reunion, i decided finally it was time to uninstall it thereby commending it to a life of dust collection on the shelf. Regrettably i found that X3TC did not live up to my expectations so was quickly cast aside. I believe that technically X3TC was far superior but suffered a great failing that managed to suck all life out if it. It was the command screen! X3R i felt was a lot easier to control and manage ones resources - with a game controller installed, i found i could easily switch between combat to resource management and back again. Loved the ability to add ships and new game functions,Great Mods XTM and NEW HORIZONS. I could go on and on but you probably all know this. Here's hoping that there may be a sucessor or perhaps X3TC re-released with X3R command screen.