Wolcen Studio wolcenstudio
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Wolcen Studio wolcenstudio
June 8, 2018
Umkipp Nov 11, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
Chapter 4 replaced all my characters gear with generic shit. You guys are just frustrating me. Regret buying your game.
OctobersVeryOwner Dec 6, 2020 @ 2:38pm 
Dunno if Iam the only one but litterly why are ya´ll complaining the so called "boring shit" is litterly what makes these types of rpgs, well rpgs and the game isnt even bad yea it does have some issues like the sound bug and some other few but still if you're runnin the game on an ssd no problem at all just load into the main menu and go back into the game again.
joe str Dec 6, 2020 @ 12:51pm 
Hello, I have a problem, every 10 minutes the game freezes, any solution? it only freezes, it does not give me any error.
Pufosenia Dec 5, 2020 @ 6:40am 
EVEN after be blood-shit update the game is BORING !! I restarted playing to see the "improved game" but it is the same crap. PLUS you need to replay THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN AGAIN when you start new ... I-m sorry to say that i would refund this but steam is not refunding after a certain amount of time ... TOO BAD !:steamsad:
Husker Nov 3, 2020 @ 6:18pm 
Devs took money and ran. Trash game. Trash devs. Trash studio.
𝕭𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖎 Aug 16, 2020 @ 2:36pm 
fix the game!!!!
DeTO)( May 21, 2020 @ 4:13am 
gdi32full.dll is probably just the cause of this, whats the flag to start the 64bit version instead of the 32bit as it seems to be the gdi32full.dll that has the problem
DeTO)( May 21, 2020 @ 4:07am 
Ps. great game by the way. find it more interesting than Path of Exile and Grim Dawn.
So much so i paid for it.
DeTO)( May 21, 2020 @ 4:04am 
Ok this the result of The issue. This most likely the wrong place to report this but as your a developer you'll probably know to chase this down,
gdi32full.dll, version: 10.0.14393.3686
then 5 minutes later this Fault occurs
Faulting application name: Wolcen.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5ec28c3b
Faulting module name: CrySystem.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5ec28c44
Exception code: 0x80000003
Fault offset: 0x0000000000075262
Faulting process id: 0x19a8
Faulting application start time: 0x01d62f4ef687ed29
Faulting application path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Wolcen\win_x64\Wolcen.exe
Faulting module path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Wolcen\win_x64\CrySystem.dll
DeTO)( May 21, 2020 @ 3:41am 
Slight issue with Random game freezing while in the game where if i sit there too long without doing anything everything freezes. running wolcen on medium settings. im not sure why this is happening as im not actually doing anything. Is there a start up option to start the game and capture the result when it stops running. as steam doesn't give any errors. fro m the game, i only play on medium as it provides a good compromise between performance levels. I'll see if i can capture the freeze issue somewhere. Sorry i dont have more information
Holiday Apr 28, 2020 @ 5:06pm 
Can we have something more original than seasons? Thanks
lie005 Apr 17, 2020 @ 5:45am 
Can we start a new season as soon as possible? Because the game was destroyed.Thanks.
BigRon Apr 10, 2020 @ 2:10pm 
Really enjoying Wolcen.
Keep up the good work.
Stay safe.
Thank's from England.
Erplay Apr 10, 2020 @ 8:40am 
Hola me gustaria saber si no es mucho pedir al comunity manager si podria traducir las notas de los parches muchas gracias de antemano y escelente trabajo de todo el equipo
Maredhen Mar 30, 2020 @ 8:53am 
calistaen peux tu m'invité stp ? j'ai a te parlé
DiSK3Y™ Mar 22, 2020 @ 10:12am 
There is bug with the main menu NEWS. Unable to scroll down. Also new updates should show on top not the bottom.
torometal Mar 18, 2020 @ 1:00pm 
To the game's developers.
  1 ° They could minimize the graphics for better gameplay.
2 ° Do a global chat with sales of items between players, and be able to link the items in the chat, as in Poe and D3, this would make it much easier for players.
Sham :) Feb 27, 2020 @ 6:03pm 
amen vvvvvvvvvv
JM Feb 27, 2020 @ 8:42am 
Thanks for your hard work and don't pay to attention to the angry children posting rants. Keep it up and this game will be a gem. :)
Gooba20 Feb 27, 2020 @ 12:57am 
It only took you a few patches to remove 100% of the fun from your game.. Good fkn job. Holy shit what a load of crap Wolcen is. Only sold so many copies because it got released between D3 and POE leagues.
Belse Feb 26, 2020 @ 9:47pm 
Wolcen you kill your game with this stupid nerve ..! the shit can't stand anything ...
In the past ... jump in, hit the crank, have fun ... F.U.C.K. hop in now and die ...
you can take that shit back from something ...
are you too stupid to fix the bugs in the maps and the sound bugs as well? First of all take care to get the game going properly and not to get such a shitty stupid nerve that takes the fun out of it just keep going and your game is dead ......
Ghazix Feb 26, 2020 @ 2:41pm 
Words cannot describe my disappointment after buying your game, wasting time learning the mechanics, spending hours troubleshooting which passives don't work as intended (or don't work at all!), only to find the one build that was functional was nerfed to be in line with the unplayability of all the others. Refund my game, refund my time, you hacks.
the dutch whiffer Feb 26, 2020 @ 10:38am 
hi devs! really glad you decided to fuck over all of us that have been with you for years by spending all your money before you made any and passing that on to us. i put 138 hours into the game and then you release your latest patch which made my character useless while ignoring several game breaking bugs. Besides all the other bugs inhibiting my experience this was just really the icing on top. thank you so very much for being completely dishonest while making promises like a good american should. i was okay with the problems too until it went on this long. plus, do you really have a whole group of programmers that dont know what server load is? i bet you dont. hope you enjoy the couple hundred i supported you with in return for absolutely nothing, its been a great experience. go fuck yourself devs. make sure to leave me a snarky response because i will totally believe anything you say right now. oh yeah, and fuck off.
SHIZEREKK Feb 25, 2020 @ 11:27am 
GrayGL Feb 20, 2020 @ 9:53am 
Yo, I am very interested in Wolcen and have put thousands of hours into ARPG's, I hope to contribute to this project by explaining any bugs I find but also would like to play with you guys if possible :) ill be playing for a long time
LordVonRais Feb 20, 2020 @ 9:29am 
Can you please fix the bug when the final boss of act 3 can't be damaged i can't finish the game cause of that y retry the fight 20 time
sugartaLP Feb 19, 2020 @ 9:29pm 
Danke für dieses wundervolle Spiel. Weiter so. I love it.
Vadim Feb 19, 2020 @ 7:21pm 
Hey Wolcen Studios, loving the game so far and surprisingly i havent run into any major bugs! But it seems you guys need a better server partner. I am so disheartened and sad to see the game's reviews drop to mixed...most of the issues are server issues that your partner has really messed up. its sad to see all your developer's hardwork go down the drain because of your incompetent partner who hosts bad servers and only allows 1 fix a week... i love your game alot and hope to see it improve. Please find a better "partner" who is more professional, at the rate you are going you are going to lose alot of player base.
Alexion Feb 19, 2020 @ 11:57am 
Wolcen is wonderful! Thank You Wolcen Studio!
Shinji Feb 19, 2020 @ 3:49am 
if you buy tv the seller will no't say to you "your tv does not work must wait 5 days before being able to use it ..."
People can't play with your forge bug, so you need to fix it now no't in 5days, the other bug which does not prevent people from playing cna be fix later ! you are really incompetent...
KOREAN marselss81 Feb 18, 2020 @ 9:58pm 
SIr thnx for new Patch but plz let us now when it will come cuz some of us after unknowsn bug can't even run game.. 1th screen in game is freeze and thats all nothing is loaded cant even crush it ..need restart whole computer. PLZ help. :|
普尔 Feb 17, 2020 @ 10:21pm 
Want to know if it is a inbalanced bug or not. The shield talents that normally grant 0.5x stat had one with 50x. That is not even a main talent, it is a small one on path to large ones. Don't know if you plan to fix that?
Sham :) Feb 17, 2020 @ 12:54pm 
Prob. One of the best 30 dollars spent. I got it today and already have over 5 hours with my Heavy armor Burn Mage. Honestly more enjoyable than Diablo 3 and if you can do more in a game in the first hours than Diablo 3 then you have something very very special. cant wait to keep playing this for years to come. :Rubber_Duck: <-- Rubber Ducky
[50+]ChadFB Feb 16, 2020 @ 8:32pm 
Hey Wolcen, I want to love the game but I had to request refund with all the issues.Could you please drop the price again once you've got everything fixed so those of us who paid early to get a bargain can still buy it without getting penalised because you weren't ready to launch. Thanks
ThomyWhyJu Feb 16, 2020 @ 7:54am 
Something for Roadmap 2020

It would be cool, if Player can use Pistols and Katalysators within other Item.
Like a Weaponslot on a Armelt for a Pistol, or a Beltweaponslot for a Katalysator and so on.
This can give Players the power to play a charakter more individual.

And isnt it cool to fire pistol from your armelt or Shield in the battle, or Swing your TwoHandAxe with a Katalysator on your belt or Handshoe.

天秤座でピシャリ Feb 16, 2020 @ 7:53am 
Hi, i playd resently on offline mode and i dont take any achivement's only resive golds and sochets. And lvl achivements is missing. LVVrunner if thay connect offline and online characters, than servers will be dropped every 1000 pers online,like if tay play offline than connect to online that may give some issue(error)
riddLedSKL Feb 14, 2020 @ 10:39am 
game has huge potential but need to patch really. Many mant things to patch, lots of audio issues, server authentication issues, couple of little graphical performance issues...
LVVrunner Feb 14, 2020 @ 9:32am 
Also it works in Grim Dawn and in many another diabloids.
LVVrunner Feb 14, 2020 @ 9:30am 
Now situation.

Offline hero - you can play, but it's useless. You don't play.
Online hero is direct hero - but you can't connect. You don't play.

I think here need to make how in Diablo 2. In offline hero also can train for online entertainments. And all (you and players) can avoid server problems.
Branlix2000 Feb 14, 2020 @ 6:57am 
REFUND ME ! (And take translation correction suggestions on dedicated threads into account lamers)
War Feb 13, 2020 @ 8:29pm 
Controller support planned? i got a steam card to buy it tonight but the only thing that stopped me was seeing there was no controller support, i'll be watching closely hoping it'll be added soon!
Str8_Faded_85 Feb 13, 2020 @ 11:49am 
Steam authentication failed.
Ʀ҉Ǻ҉Ӎ҉P҉ǺĜ҉Ế҉ Feb 13, 2020 @ 10:49am 
Offline server? the first day?

Buttercup Feb 13, 2020 @ 10:38am 
I want my money back.
MementoMori Feb 10, 2020 @ 5:42am 
Why no italian localization?
Polarbark Feb 9, 2020 @ 3:32pm 
Where is Privacy Policy?
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen Dec 20, 2019 @ 1:53am 
не понял сейчас :cleanseal:
dany23 Sep 28, 2019 @ 7:38pm 
for multiplayer soon ?
TEITANBLOOD Mar 29, 2019 @ 3:32am 
how to select server location?