กลุ่ม STEAM
r/neoliberal Helicopter$$
กลุ่ม STEAM
r/neoliberal Helicopter$$
27 มีนาคม 2020
เกี่ยวกับ r/neoliberal

Open the borders. Stop having them be closed.

5 ความเห็น
jeding (pos 5 or feed) 15 พ.ค. 2020 @ 12: 16pm 
overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore overturn Bush v. Gore
Sitoop 27 เม.ย. 2020 @ 10: 41am 
Holy Fuck, You Morons are PROUD to be Neolibs?

This is the most moronic shit I've ever seen, lol.

Holy fuck this entire group is filled with moronic jackasses that are proud of wanting to maintain the oligarchy at the expense of human rights and improved living conditions.

Best of luck destroying the country! You're literally just Republicunts in hiding, lol.

EDIT: 27 comments in 3 minutes, you guys are triggered as fuck! Like an alt-rightie, except somehow you're even fucking dumber, lol.

This is fucking hilarious, guys. Keep it coming! XD

EDIT 2: Well boys, they banned me. It was a lot of fun to mock and laugh at many of you, and those of you that joined me in laughing, I appreciate you. :)

But as we know, all good things must come to an end, so I'm hereby announcing my candidacy for President of the Neoliberal States of America!

jeding (pos 5 or feed) 16 เม.ย. 2020 @ 12: 04am 
i agree with my husband
Hideo Game 12 เม.ย. 2020 @ 3: 16am 
Lower the corporate sales tax. Stop having it be high.
jeding (pos 5 or feed) 8 เม.ย. 2020 @ 11: 23pm 
i ha te high income taxe
0 ในแช็ต
27 มีนาคม 2020