TF2 Unboxer UnboxerTF
TF2 Unboxer UnboxerTF
November 13, 2018
Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Mar 14 @ 5:46pm
PINNED: Suggestions and feedback
Originally posted by slime 3D:
Hello Starlight Haze should not show up when unboxing with Summer 2023 event on.

Thanks, should be fixed now.
Originally posted by deuce26:
The strange sandvich seems to be dropping too often in crate #103. Considering there are 2k in existance compared to another item the iron bomber with 31k shouldn't the odds be lowered?

I based the crate #103 estimates on the ones on TF2 Wiki (which strangely lists all 15 items as having 9.90% chance, which goes over 100, so I made all items have equal chance instead). After some searching it does seem like the strange sandvich is a rare drop from that crate, at around 1% chance.

Originally posted by deuce26:
The festivisers out of the tf2 winter cases seem to be dropping in 2x sometimes which isn't possible in the real game.

Ah I wasn't aware of that, will change that.

Originally posted by deuce26:
Add a search bar to access crates/cases easier? Little nitpicky but I'm all for convience.

There's grid view but I think a search function for grid view could be useful as well.

Originally posted by festive festeve:
Id personally like to switch from crate to crate with my arrow keys, also just a convenience thing I have.

I remember that this was a thing in the v1.xx versions but it looks like I forgot to add it back to v2.0 lol

I'll add all of that in the next update. Thank you!
Originally posted by seansatake:
making your own custom crates with any item in game
(yes even items that can be uncrated)

Hmm that would be quite difficult to add. While I did program in a way so I can easily add more crates, custom crates would allow many strange combinations and I have no idea how long would it take me to add enough safeguards to prevent the whole thing from breaking. I'll add it if there's enough demand for it. But thanks for the suggestion!
Jan 21 @ 1:59pm
PINNED: Bug reports
Apr 7, 2022 @ 9:27am
PINNED: Minor updates
Dec 3, 2020 @ 1:48am
why in crates after 1/25/2013 i can uncrate the sniper vs spy hats with effects
Oct 14, 2020 @ 2:31am
v2.0 BETA Feedback/Suggestions/Bug reports
A new version of is now available for testing at!

This version has been rewritten from scratch and has many new features and improvements not present in the current version. However, this version is still a work in progress and it's not 100% stable yet.

I'd love to hear your feedback on this version! You can post it in this thread.

v2.0 BETA4 is the last beta update. If there are no more issues/suggestions/feedback, this version will
Originally posted by The Overlord Bunny:
In the 'Luck' category, it shows that I've only unboxed 3 unusuals, yet when I go to the 'Unusuals' Page in the 'General Statistics' category, It says and shows that I've unboxed 30 unusuals, same with Stranges, It says ive unboxed 100, but I've unboxed almost 700 according to the General statistics page.

I've noticed that in some cases, Unusuals would be added to the Unusual tab in stats but it would not increase the "Unusuals unboxed" stat in quality or luck statistics. This should be fixed now in Hotfix 2. Also note that the Unusuals unboxed stat and the luck category do not include Unusualifiers, that is by design. Though I think I'll add separate stats for Unusualifiers later.

As for stranges... I don't have any idea what could cause that, since all stats are updated simultaneously and use the same source to pull the stats from... I did find out that items that are guaranteed to be strange (like weapons in supply crate #21) would affect the luck stat though, that's fixed in Hotfix 2 as well.

Originally posted by The Overlord Bunny:
Also, I think the drop rate of Elite Grades is too high for the Summer 2020 Cosmetics Case, I unboxed 1 elite grade, then 2 cases later, I onboxed another, and then pretty much just the same thing over and over again, with very little unbox space between elites.

Yeah, I checked the odds for graded items and I realized that I forgot to update them since v1.17... so I updated them to match the odds listed in TF2 Wiki. Previously the chance for an Elite item was 1%, now it's 0.8%. This will apply to all cases that have graded items. Thank you for the bug reports!
Originally posted by Thewatertorch:
when the "stop when professional killstreak kit is opened" option is checked it causes crates unable to drop kits un-openable

I pushed an update just now that should fix that issue, among with a few others. Thank you!
Feb 25, 2023 @ 12:56pm
Showing 1-6 of 6 entries