In memory of Ryan , our bro ryan 5 ever
In memory of Ryan , our bro ryan 5 ever
25 de abril de 2012
ACERCA DE In memory of Ryan , our bro

Ryan was an anonymous poster on 4chan's /v/-video games. He made a thread explaining that he was being moved to a hospice in the next few days where his cancer would finally overtake him.

The purpose of the thread was not to garner attention or pity, but rather he wanted to know what video games he should play before he died. The thread became massive with suggestions and, eventually, offers to buy games for him. He declined all of them, not wanting anyone to spend money on him. He even refused torrent accounts.

Ryan had been posting on /v/ for years. Most of us have talked to him. We've probably argued with him, called him a faggot, etc.

But in his passing, we all stopped the shitposting. Just for a few hours.

Ryan reminded us that we're all a family, even if we don't always want to be. We're all connected by our love of video games, and even in the last weeks of his life, Ryan chose to spend them with us.

R.I.P, Ryan.
6 comentarios
Gray Merchant 13 MAR 2021 a las 4:31 p. m. 
entroshock 17 MAR 2013 a las 8:14 a. m. 
It's been awhile.
castly 26 MAY 2012 a las 4:23 a. m. 
Oh God. I remember the thread. I remember him.
I always will.
I never knew him but as I read the thread and spoke to him I cried. Even now I feel tears welling up as I think how horrible that someone so kind and peaceful -who brought us all together in such an amazing way- suffered a fate as tragic as such.
R.I.P. Ryan, you were a god among men and I'll never forget you.
Sobchak 25 ABR 2012 a las 11:00 p. m. 
Light up the Night, Brother.
three 25 ABR 2012 a las 10:52 p. m. 
You proved that yes, there *are* still heroes left in man - in all of us. If we can come together in a time and place like this, where it'd be far easier to do the opposite, maybe there's still hope left.

Rest in peace, bro.
Infinity 25 ABR 2012 a las 10:40 p. m. 
To Ryan, our brother.
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25 de abril de 2012