กลุ่ม STEAM
FRAXiTY Tournaments PRiZE FiGHT
กลุ่ม STEAM
FRAXiTY Tournaments PRiZE FiGHT
27 พฤศจิกายน 2016
เกี่ยวกับ FRAXiTY Tournaments

FRAXiTY Tournaments - Central Organization Group

Oh no, yet an other group. What is this group for?

If you are part of this group you will be always up to date for any new(s) FRAXiTY Tournaments. The group helps you as player to know about upcoming tournaments but also helps the organization of the tournaments a lot, since we have a central place to look for players.
On the other hand, if you dont plan to play on a tournament, please dont join/leave this group.

Invites to this group...

Please invite everyone on your friendlist, that generally would be interested in playing a tournament, to this group. This way, it will be much easier for us to find people and organize cool tournaments.

Next Tournament

Date: TBA
Size: TBA
Format: TBA
Entry fee: TBA (from 1,00 Euro to 3,00 Euro).

Please add your thoughts on above tournament settings to the discussion.

General Tournament Administration

Organizational concerns: FRAXiTY CrYs1ngton
Technical concerns: FRAXiTY IceMan666
Streaming concerns: FRAXiTY NopeScope

How to Pay for any Tournament

Just send a suitable trade offer to our Tournament Organization Bot:

1. Send your Trade Offer to our Bot. To do so, click here. (Trade Offer Link)
2. Await confirmation from the bot. All done.

Note: The Bot will give verbose information about declined trade offers in the group chat. So please check this group`s chat in case your offer is declined.

Available Bot Commands

If you add the bot as friend (the Bot will automaticially accept your friend request), you can use the following commands in chat:

!invite - If you missed the initial invite or if you left the tournaments group by accident you can use this command for a re-invite to the group.

!retire - If you unfortunately have to retire from the tournament, use this command. The bot will re-trade you your items and move you out of the tournament group.

Useful Tournament Links

Battlefy Page of fraXity[battlefy.com]
eBot with Stats for all Tournaments[fraxity.com]
Twitch Stream of fraXity[twitch.tv]
First *Highlight Videos* from last Tournament Alternative Autumn Online
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27 พฤศจิกายน 2016