Pike & Shotte - English Civil War Mod for NW Pike&Shotte
Pike & Shotte - English Civil War Mod for NW Pike&Shotte
September 5, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Want to Create a Company/Troop (Regiment)? Lists and information here.
Important. Please use historical names when requesting companies and not made up units

Do you wish to form a regiment for the mod? Then this will be a brief guide on how to do so.
Regiments would normally be made up of about ten companies although this varied between regiments. The regiments, unless they were on garrision duty, would be a part of one of the field armies. The main armies are as follows:

- The Oxford Army
- The Western Army
- The Northern Army
- The Marquess of Montrose's Army
- The Earl of Essex's Army
- The London Association
- The Southern Association
- The Eastern Association
- The Western Association
- The Northern Association
- The New Model Army
- The Army of the Solemn League and Covenant

Below is a spreadsheet I have tried to put together listing all the regiments in the above armies (minus the Covenanters as I have not got around to them yet) to start people off looking at what regiment they might like to form: (see my comment of 04/01/2017)
I will also recommend you look at this website which has list of all the regiments which I used for the spreadsheet and does contain some officer lists:
I have also researched the names of officers for various regiments, please PM me on FSE if you would like more information for your regiment:;u=20258

If you have a clear idea of what regiment you want to form then please post on this thread on FSE (you will need an FSE account):
You may also add a reply on this discussion page with your request. Please use the following format in your request:

- Historical Regiment Name:
- Historical Army:
- Colonel's Name:
- Class:

So for example:
- Historical Regiment: King's Lifeguard of Foote
- Historical Army: Oxford Army (Royalist)
- Colonel's Name: Your Name
- Class: Infantry

The main classes are Infantry (both pike and shotte), cavalry, dragoons and artillery. Highland clans will come under infantry.
Last edited by Black Watch 1745; Oct 18, 2017 @ 4:36am
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Tristanxh Mar 29, 2017 @ 7:00am 
Officers Name (Company): Lord Salisbury (Captain)
Your Name: Tristanxh
Historical Regiment: Honourable Band of Gentlemen Pensioners
Historical army: Oxford
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