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Thank you for a Fantastic Anniversary! + New Statue Hunts

188 いいね
11 件のコメント
MaD_Helen 2020年5月4日 7時39分 
(And yes, completely right - who wants to rush around tasking!)
MaD_Helen 2020年5月4日 7時37分 
Hi Everyone, we hear you! And good news is that we already decided that the elephants shall stay for good. What has happened here is that my mistake (10 days - it was in the mix for about five minutes) was edited out, and somehow hasn't saved here. Apologies! (I'm actually trying to edit it now and still it doesn't seem to want to change) So fear not - On other channels this is posted as a long term replacement of the elephants and this is what you should see - and even better, they're going in today (a little earlier than we planned). The same will apply for other statues, they will arrive and they will stay. No more time limited achievements! And I'm really really sorry about my rather embarrassing mistake here. Best Wishes to you!
Tom Bar 2020年5月2日 13時18分 
Phantom Concepts 2020年5月1日 15時53分 
Err, a bit late, but I meant that the elephants should be available annually, not the achievements, but for the ability to earn the achievements.
Phantom Concepts 2020年4月30日 20時30分 
I appreciate that you are extending the time for us, but I agree with others that the achievements should be annual or something to that effect. I get the idea of wanting to have special achievements for those who have supported your game through the years, but it can deter others from buying it if they can't get all of the achievements just because they bought the game later.
Jerome 2020年4月30日 19時26分 
Limited time events are good but I think you should at least make a year round schedule for it so that players would know in advance. Feature an animal for each season or every other month. :cleanseal:
GreenHat 2020年4月30日 15時01分 
I don't understand why the statues even need to be things that eventually disappear? Events are fun, but a statue hunt just becoming part of Meadow seems perfectly in character with the other collectibles and things to play with. I'm sure players would have fun coming up with lore about why ancient statues dot the land.
Codsworth 2020年4月30日 10時53分 
Not keen on the limited achievements. Just means instead of relaxing in game, I'm rusting to find thing :/
orb 2020年4月30日 7時47分 
There were some special achievements to be achieved last weekend or for last couple of days? I've had this game for over 4 years now, though it is not currently installed, but I didn't know about it...
UnGen 2020年4月30日 6時40分 
To be frank, extending limited achievements for another 10 days is *still* limited. And the same with adding new limited achievements. Someone mentioned before that maybe a seasonal once per year approach would be more friendly to the players who aren't playing currently, and to future buyers who would have missed the event. Sounds more reasonable. This currently is small window that is easily missed for a lot of players, players who like to attempt at 100%'ing their games. Once it's gone, it's gone.
Anyway, I don't meant to be negative. That's just my opinion. I've enjoyed the event regardless.