INDIEstructible GoIndies
INDIEstructible GoIndies
February 17, 2022
Faust Mar 22 @ 1:04pm 
Hey there, small heads-up: Sometimes a review link will lead you the turnbasedlovers homepage. That's because I've written a couple of reviews for them and don't want to double post something on Steam. Still, they are often worth recommending and I'll include them in my curations :)
Also, thanks everybody who joined lately. I know that many of you come here from ST but I'm still greatful you actually took the time out of your day to go a bit further than simply entering the GA. Many Thanks! Once we hit higher numbers, I'll think about some group exclusives. Take care everyone
Faust Mar 19 @ 1:03pm 
Back to writing some smaller reviews. Hope you all have a fantastic time playing games!
Faust May 31, 2022 @ 3:19am 
Small hiatus everyone. I got sick and don't feel like writing. Will be back with added content soon though. Take care!
Faust May 17, 2022 @ 10:25am 
The website is online now :) Not much to see yet but I'm steadily putting the content from here onto the site as well. Nothing too fancy as I used Google Sites. Go ahead and check it out, if you like. I still write every review for steam as well. Unless, of course, the game is only on itch or epic :104:
Faust May 16, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
Hey friends, sorry for being a bit quiet right now but I'm trying to set up a small homepage as a second place to post the reviews online. New reviews are incoming soon after again ;)
Faust Apr 20, 2022 @ 2:17pm 
Sorry for the spam. I took some older reviews and added them to the curator as I think it would be a waste of words otherwise. Also, thinking about using some of the old structures again. I've gotten used to writing as I feel which makes it great for me but not always for the reader, I assume. Still, I'm writing out of joy and I feel that there are enough pure pro/con-lists out there.
Faust Apr 19, 2022 @ 1:47pm 
Welcome :) Yeah, I have to admit that I only ever played Part I although I do own all of them. Maybe a good time to get back to finishing the whole saga.
IL PALLINO Apr 13, 2022 @ 10:52am 
I joined after I noticed that a friend joined because I like it small!

Oh yeah, I especially enjoy the Space Pilgrim Saga since the characters and story all belong in a AAA game.
Faust Apr 12, 2022 @ 7:09am 
Yeah, glad you like it :floweyevil:
CorvusCorax Apr 12, 2022 @ 7:00am 
Yes it's pretty neat! :floppy:
Faust Apr 12, 2022 @ 5:26am 
Hey everyone, hope you like the new avatar. It is only a placeholder for now but it looks great and was free. Here is the link to the artist Miklaws] []
Faust Mar 31, 2022 @ 9:39am 
I totally feel you. Part of me always wanted to be in a bigger group, feeling like it might have more impact when I write something there. Honestly - I don't think it had. If it did, people were not really vocal about their opinions. I also look forward to not always use the same structure and keep it more in flow. People tend to like a certain structure they can quickly scroll down to but I do think there are plenty of reviewers who already offer this. I always write the review out of an inner gut feeling and that, more or less, forms the way it is written. I might add some numbers or cut the text with headlines but I won't know before I actually do :D
Writing this, I also realize that I can do even more so let me do some announcement.
American Dove Mitten Mar 31, 2022 @ 9:10am 
I find that reviews turn out much worse when you do it because of some obligation. Part of why I started my own group as well. In a weird way I feel the more i treated it as work, the less genuine it becomes, so I think one should always approach the game with the heart first, as a fan of the joy the games can provide, not as a reviewer.
Faust Mar 30, 2022 @ 1:05am 
Hehe, thanks for everyone who joined! It is a small place - I know - but I feel less pressure than joining some big group again, writing reviews about games I don't always care too much about.
American Dove Mitten Mar 29, 2022 @ 2:44pm 