Gmod Communities Archive ~GCA~
Gmod Communities Archive ~GCA~
25. April 2016
Source Filmmaker
Released in July 2012, the Source Filmmaker (SFM) is somewhat similar to Garry's Mod (Gmod) as they are both creative outlets using the Source engine, and they share some limited relevancy to eachother.

I asked media developers in a Gmod community (nebulous) for their thoughts on SFM, and one said: "SFM is an alternative to Gmod Animation" while another points out that SFM can be used to add visuals to serious roleplay character biography threads.

On content compatability between SFM and Gmod, one said: "almost all of it works with SFM except for big maps, but if you know how to use Hammer then you can probably make most maps work with Some drawbacks."

On SFM's relevance to Gmod, one said the impact to Gmod culture was "not as much as TF2 culture, since the Saxxys exist. not much on SFM made an impact on gmod, since it was only big for Dota and TF2."

One goes into a generous amount of depth on the subject: "I specialize mainly with posters and still images. And for that I've always preferred the likes of Gmod over SFM. I've made posters in SFM but I feel as if I can do them quicker and on par quality wise in Gmod. If I were more into animation I'd probably use SFM more but I've always lacked the justification. There's also a buncha good assets on gmod that I struggle to find equivalents for in SFM. Often when people came to me with request for something like a photo for a char biography I found it so much easier to load up a map I already had and that they wanted rather then cross my fingers SFM had it."

Source Filmmaker:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hudson633; 24. Jan. 2022 um 0:09
Geschrieben am: 24. Jan. 2022 um 0:05
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