Free Games Finders F G F
Free Games Finders F G F
December 13, 2013
EhhSpectre Nov 7, 2015 @ 5:12pm
Attempted Scammer
This guy is a scambot pretending to be part of this group. Thought admins should know.
Dont click links sent by him :)
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Pete Banger Nov 7, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
I clicked the link but I manage to quickly get out of it
Ratha Wynter Nov 7, 2015 @ 6:07pm 
We will never add you guys and send you to links to giveaways. This isnt that kind of group.

If you clicked that link, you should run a malware scan with Malwarebytes AntiMalware[] and potentially your favorite antivirus too just to be safe. If you had an adblocker installed and you didnt click on any executables, browser addons, or PDF files, then you're -probably- safe however but should consider taking security precautions anyway.

If steam popped up its external link warning and you didnt click further, then you have nothing to worry about.

I cant seem to "find" that guy in the list of members to ban him, even though i can clearly see that hes joined.

EDIT: Also, anyone who wants to (Probably should limit this to only people who have been added or affected by the bot.) may go to the bot's profile and report it for impersonation and or hijacking/phishing.
Last edited by Ratha Wynter; Nov 7, 2015 @ 6:23pm
LH Nov 7, 2015 @ 9:22pm 
Found and kicked. I'll post details in the admin forum.
Ratha Wynter Nov 7, 2015 @ 9:29pm 
Please see our most recent Announcement as well as the Group Impersonator Profiles Report page for further instructions on how to protect yourself from scammers and how to remove any malware that may be affecting you.

For future Admin reference:
1: Visit
2: Enter the scambot's current custom URL name and click "lookup"
3: Copy/paste their "real name" field into the 'Manage Group Members' search box.
4: Remove or ban the offending user. (Does 'remove' actually ban? Need to test this.)
Last edited by Ratha Wynter; Nov 28, 2015 @ 3:50am
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