Flowstorm Flowstorm
Flowstorm Flowstorm
September 3, 2012
Multiplayer Game Idea
Fleet Destroyer

This game mode would utilize the existing ship model and transfer the destruction of it into points. The ships would be placed on either side of a level where players of the goal is to infiltrate the opposing teams' side and destroy all of their "drones" (ships).

Example Scoreboard:
Team Red - 10/10 Drones
Team Blue- 10/10 Drones

The first team to reduce the other teams ship number to 0/10 is the victor. There should also be a timer of about 10:00 minutes in a round, so if players cannot destroy all the ships on the other side, matches don't take an hour. This also gets closer games like a 3/10 vs 4/10 victory at the end of the time and keeps gaming fresh. :)

Further Notes

- Players on the same team should not be able to collide with eachother.
- Players on the opposite team should be able to collide with eachother.
- Team ships should be implimented in editing props. Such as Red_Drone and Blue_Drone.
- Player missiles can destroy teammates and enemies.
- At least 2 second respawn times.
- Player kills measured in event of a tie.

Questions? Comments? Feel free!
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Acegikmo Oct 14, 2012 @ 1:18pm 
Sounds nice!

The one thing I'm not entirely sure about is the collision handling though, as we've planned to have all rockets collide with eachother, regardless of the teams.

This is definitely something we can try out once we get the multiplayer features up and running, to see how it works, shouldn't be too hard to implement either :)
Everyone Nobody Oct 14, 2012 @ 4:46pm 
My thinking about the collision was how TF2 does it. The problem I forsee is players getting frustrated not getting out of their bases because they hit their team mates before they get out. Gettting killed by team mates due to collision could cause some serious frustration with players who want to take the same path.

As always, testing is the best solution. :)
Acegikmo Oct 15, 2012 @ 2:24am 
Of course, testing will shape the game a lot!
There is a potential advantage to the situation you describe. Because teammates can collide with eachother, they will most likely spread them out a bit more. Imagine if 6 players are going to defend an objective in a narrow hallway, against all the enemies. The defense would be rather difficult to break. But if they are forced to keep a distance, they'll most likely be more careful, and it's more fun for the attackers if they have targets in different location rather than a cluster near the objective.

Testing will tell :)
Last edited by Acegikmo; Oct 15, 2012 @ 2:24am
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