FDD - Fearless Designs Den FearDesDen
FDD - Fearless Designs Den FearDesDen
26. November 2016
ÜBER FDD - Fearless Designs Den

Fearless Designs Den

Welcome to the Official FDD steam group
FDD is the short version of Fearless Designs Den, FDD was founded on may 28th 2016 by SirNarc. FDD started with only making designs and graphics works but have started to expand into different territories. The second division launched by FDD was FDD Builds. Here we sell our dupes and organize various events. FDD Builds have successfully gathered some of the best builders there is on FL.

This steam group is not only for designers etc, but also for people that wants to stay updated on what we do here on FDD.
On this group we will post any updates we are doing, We will also tease the members of this group on upcoming updates!

On this group, we post updates to FDD and it's various divisions. Here is also the place to apply for a job if not on the forums. Enjoy it here and be cool.

Our Divisions:
FDD - Designs[]
FDD - Builds[]
FDD - Market[]

All rights reserved | Copyright© 2016 Fearless Designs Den
FDD - Market and More!
Today we are proud to announce our newest update!

Fearless Designs Den are presenting you... The FDD Market!
For the past few months we have been working on creating a user friendly and a well established store just for you!

From now on, you'll be able to sell YOUR item through our store! And you even choose the price yourself.
You can sell every single item in the F1 menu!
Everyone will be able to buy whatever items are in the store!

You can find the store in the market section on the forums or press the link bellow.

But wait!
That's not even it! We have been working on a lot more!
We have decided to emplement a point system for our employees! Read more on the thread.

We have also been working on getting more dupes into our Dupe Store[].
You'll be able to buy these dupes today!

We've also emplemented gift cards to our stores!
You can now give your best friend, your crush or your family a gift card for their birthday or even as a christmas gift! It can be to whoever for whatever!
And the good thing is, that you'll get 5% off when using your gift card in our dupe store!

Watch the trailer below

  • FDD Market.
  • Point System for employees.
  • Gift Cards.
  • More dupes.
  • General Design Update for all devisions.

When creating this update, we got help from a lot of people.
Some did more than others, but we thank them all anyway.
Credits to:
Tawxen For doing a Fantastic Voice Over for our trailer.
[FL:RP] Sparx For helping us collecting data on cars.
[FL] Ghost For Assisting in collecting data on the weapons.
GreeD^ For giving a professionel rating on all our weapons.
[FL:RP] Balls For making most of the Item Images, Gift card, Taking photos of items, Testing and collecting cars/weapons data, Trailer legal rights checkup, Point system, Adding extra dupes to the store + arranging with other builders & Script writing,
SirNarc For doing the Page art, Gift cards, Spoiler, Trailer pre-work, Legals(ToS etc), Hosting giveaways, Contacting all the people + guiding them, Collecting car stats + weapon stats, Initially taking photos of items, Slight re-design of all FDD divisions page art, Adding new guidelines to improve quality & Script writing.

Whats Next?
December 10th!
Join us on December 10th when we unveil our biggest update to FDD!
The FDD team have worked intensely on this for several months and we hope you will come and take a look.

4 Kommentare
nETTO 3. Dez. 2016 um 7:51 
THANK YOU so much for 100 members!!
This means a lot for us from FDD!
nETTO 2. Dez. 2016 um 10:13 
You are never gonna guess the upcoming updates!
Gotta wait for December 10! :sr4sunglasses:
ITSMAX 1. Dez. 2016 um 15:19 
Fatex 27. Nov. 2016 um 12:34 
Chat betreten
26. November 2016