ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇssɪᴏɴ ɪs ꜰᴜᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ 悲しみ.
ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇssɪᴏɴ ɪs ꜰᴜᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ 悲しみ.
August 3, 2017
Anama Mar 4, 2021 @ 11:02am
Have you ever tried to kill youself but stopped because of some reason ?
like me for example, I don't know how many times I TRIED to jump off of a tall building but I stopped because I always thinking about my family like ... uh, you know I'm a fucking unemployed loser right now and if i did killing myself then doesn't that make me a fucking deadweight ? I was thinking ' shit! I'm so fucking tired actually but if i jump off then I'm just giving another problem for them and I hate that, I don't want to give them a problem and I can't imagine how will they react if they heard i died by suicide '

Actually, I'm still having that kind of thought right now but I can't due to that reason so ... how about you ? and what do you do to overcome that thought ?
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please get help from a professional, therapy really helps in those situations
Shiro♌ Mar 4, 2021 @ 11:21am 
I've been collecting bad grades at school, causing me depressions, so I started with cutting myself, but with a caution, so people wouldn't notice it (just like you, I didn't want to worry my friends and family over that).

I've been thinking about the options on how to kill myself numerous times, for over hours, but I've never had the strength in myself to actually do that, no matter the consequences.

I do share the same reason as you do; I can't imagine, how much it'd hurt my friends and my family.
If I call it that way, they're the only obstacle between life and death in my case, in case I do use my will and act by myself (no drugs to influence me or opinion of other people, etc.).

Overcoming those thoughts is hard, but a joy always helps me to forget about ti.
It can be sport (swimming, perfect for a relaxation), running (another example on how to relax by watching the surroundings I do see and explore), by participating in discussions (like in this one, for example), and so on...
Eating chocolate does help a lot too, but... You know, I do care about myself a bit, and being fat is ... something I can't even imagine.
DragonWolf Mar 5, 2021 @ 10:27am 
Well, it's happened before.
From my childhood, too much was demanded of me, My father is extremely strict, and for any little thing, ANY LITTLE THING, I was punished. Sometimes it was something simple, like "Get in the corner! and think about your attitude!", sometimes worse... I will always remember the moment when, for another minor mistake, my father did not restrain himself from charging me in the stomach. I was 13 at the time. It rarely came to this, but he always knew how to push morally. It's gotten to the point where I avoid him in every possible way. I literally couldn't speak properly in front of him, I just shivered. Not much has changed since then. Unless I'm 21 years old, and I live separately. But even now, it gives me the creeps if I get a call from him on my phone.
It's not hard to guess how "socially active" I grew up. I find it hard to communicate, meet new people and everything in this spirit, my social circle is extremely small. This has led to a huge number of problems. One day I was so sick of everything that I ran away from home at night. It was winter, and I was just walking, with no definite purpose. So I wandered until I found myself on the bridge. Winter, because of the humidity, there was a fog around, and I just stood and looked into the abyss.
I remember climbing over the railing.
I remember hanging on to the abyss, holding on to the railing with one hand.
I remember shouting something.
Perhaps the only thing that stopped me that night was that I knew that if I did this, my mother would not handle it, and unlike my father, I always had only warm feelings for her. She always tried to support me. So that... I went home that night, and I never told anyone about it.
Since then, I have often had certain thoughts, but I restrain myself. Despite the fact that even now things are going lousy, I'm holding on. I am not eager to seek help from specialists. If I lose my temper one day, so be it. But I am grateful to my few, but true friends, who are always ready to listen and support. They make it easier for me to bear it all. Everyone needs to have someone who is willing to listen. Therefore, I myself became such a person for many. There are a lot of people around us who need help. So I dedicated myself to helping others. That's it.
Please forgive my, most likely, poor English, I am not a native speaker.
It turns out that telling about it after all these years is like throwing a mountain off your shoulders.
Feel free to write me if you need someone nearby, or just need to talk to someone. Don't try to keep everything to yourself. It makes you burn out from the inside. I feel it. But still choose carefully who you want to discuss your problems with. If a person does not understand you or does not take you seriously, it can cause irreparable damage to your psychological state.
If you're reading this and you have a problem, then I believe that everything will work out, sooner or later. The main thing - do not lose hope, look for the right people and, if possible, exclude the cause of all problems from your life. Live to the fullest. Enjoy the little things. Find a purpose in your life. That's what you want, and what you strive for. Everything. Will be. Good.
I'm sorry, I talked too much. Bye, and all the best to you.
Last edited by DragonWolf; Mar 5, 2021 @ 11:00am
RADKILLA[420] Jul 1, 2021 @ 11:32am 
Yeah i get it.
RADKILLA[420] Jul 1, 2021 @ 11:33am 
Feel free to add me anyone here.
Lennart Dec 15, 2021 @ 9:35am 
Originally posted by Shiro-sama♌:
I've been collecting bad grades at school, causing me depressions, so I started with cutting myself, but with a caution, so people wouldn't notice it (just like you, I didn't want to worry my friends and family over that).

I've been thinking about the options on how to kill myself numerous times, for over hours, but I've never had the strength in myself to actually do that, no matter the consequences.

I do share the same reason as you do; I can't imagine, how much it'd hurt my friends and my family.
If I call it that way, they're the only obstacle between life and death in my case, in case I do use my will and act by myself (no drugs to influence me or opinion of other people, etc.).

Overcoming those thoughts is hard, but a joy always helps me to forget about ti.
It can be sport (swimming, perfect for a relaxation), running (another example on how to relax by watching the surroundings I do see and explore), by participating in discussions (like in this one, for example), and so on...
Eating chocolate does help a lot too, but... You know, I do care about myself a bit, and being fat is ... something I can't even imagine.

Hey, bad grades should'nt be a reason for suicide. I've been deppressed about it. but once i grew older i realised how unsignificant grades really are. And the i realised how bad i felt about it before and the i laughed. It is something you will get over, it's just that RIGHT NOW it's hard, soon you will have forgotten about it. Stay strong.
Lennart Dec 15, 2021 @ 9:41am 
Originally posted by secondusanama:
like me for example, I don't know how many times I TRIED to jump off of a tall building but I stopped because I always thinking about my family like ... uh, you know I'm a fucking unemployed loser right now and if i did killing myself then doesn't that make me a fucking deadweight ? I was thinking ' shit! I'm so fucking tired actually but if i jump off then I'm just giving another problem for them and I hate that, I don't want to give them a problem and I can't imagine how will they react if they heard i died by suicide '

Actually, I'm still having that kind of thought right now but I can't due to that reason so ... how about you ? and what do you do to overcome that thought ?

Good that you think of your family. You probably have a really kind heart. It is really easy to blame yourself, but you should'nt and you gonna find that out. You ain't a loser because you don't have a job, absolutely not. I'm here if you wanna talk!!! I'm openminded and i don't judge, and i do my best to hear your version.
Shiro♌ Dec 15, 2021 @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by Lennart Hildeman:
Originally posted by Shiro-sama♌:
I've been collecting bad grades at school, causing me depressions, so I started with cutting myself, but with a caution, so people wouldn't notice it (just like you, I didn't want to worry my friends and family over that).

I've been thinking about the options on how to kill myself numerous times, for over hours, but I've never had the strength in myself to actually do that, no matter the consequences.

I do share the same reason as you do; I can't imagine, how much it'd hurt my friends and my family.
If I call it that way, they're the only obstacle between life and death in my case, in case I do use my will and act by myself (no drugs to influence me or opinion of other people, etc.).

Overcoming those thoughts is hard, but a joy always helps me to forget about ti.
It can be sport (swimming, perfect for a relaxation), running (another example on how to relax by watching the surroundings I do see and explore), by participating in discussions (like in this one, for example), and so on...
Eating chocolate does help a lot too, but... You know, I do care about myself a bit, and being fat is ... something I can't even imagine.

Hey, bad grades should'nt be a reason for suicide. I've been deppressed about it. but once i grew older i realised how unsignificant grades really are. And the i realised how bad i felt about it before and the i laughed. It is something you will get over, it's just that RIGHT NOW it's hard, soon you will have forgotten about it. Stay strong.
I know, I know..
Now, that I have no school to think about, my deppression got away fairly quickly and smoothly.

So, the only issue now is to find a job, as basically nobody does want uneducated people nowadays, unless they're quite handy with some stuff, which I'm absolutely not.
MiqHail Jan 25, 2022 @ 12:22pm 
I feel you man. I have had a horrible childhood, terrible grades, close to zero friends and been having a pretty terrible work life these past few years. Both my fiance and I suffer from depression and anxiety. More than once, I have crossed the main road in my town where big 18+ wheelers blast past and have considered stepping out in front of one of them but i'll tell you what line of thinking keeps me from doing it. Many years ago, I can't remember where, I read something that said "Suicide doesn't really prevent life from getting worse, it prevents life from getting better." Yes, sometimes it does still get a bit worse but eventually it will get better. life goes up and down constantly and often times when we are at our lowest, we realise just how precious every little thing can be that others take for granted. A friendly customer, a small present even if it's just a piece of gum or a warm smile feels that much more special to people like us. If you ever need or want to talk, send me a message. I can't do much but I can listen. Getting it off your chest can help heaps. We were not meant to go through life in solitude.
Take care of yourself please.:celeste_strawberry:
DragonWolf Mar 28, 2023 @ 8:56am 
Sometimes I come back to this discussion with a mixture of fear and hope that everyone who shared their story here is doing well and none of you have given up. You are strong, I wish you all the best. Not that the words of some random person from the Internet meant anything, but hey! I hope you will be all right.
dauiq Aug 9, 2023 @ 1:38am 
I went down this road because of my family, so I don't give up thinking about my family while doing it. The things that make me give up are more hope and future prospects.
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