September 8, 2015
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DorentuZ` Apr 25, 2016 @ 10:32am
Original overdrill time (7200s) on 145+
Replaces the 2000 second drill with a 7200 second drill on 145+ (and 193+) Only the person setting up the drill needs this mod (can be a client).


Note: requires version DorHUD 1.0 or above.

Updated version (in terms of code and license):
-- DAHM by DorentuZ` -- -- -- License: IDGAF v1.0 -- This is mostly used as an example on how to use mutators in a more complicated way. return DMod:new("overdrill7200", { author = "dorentuz", name = "Original overdrill time", categories = { "gameplay" }, dependency = "[ovk_193]", -- load as mutator, if possible (set optional requirement) version = "1.0", description = { english = "Changes the overdrill timer to 2 hours on 145+. Note that the visuals in the vault remain unchanged." }, config = {{ "menu", "as_mutator", { type = "boolean", text_id = "mod_ovd7200_load_as_mutator", default_value = true }}}, hooks = {{ "OnModuleLoading", "OnModuleLoading_SetupAsMutator", function(module) local mut_key = "ovd7200" local required_by_clients, disable_challenges = nil local availability = { overkill_145 = { levels = { bank = true } } } local settings = module:get_persist_settings() or {} -- settings are not loaded yet, force it module.check_mutator = function() local difficulty = tablex.get(Global.level_data, "difficulty") or "hard" local difficulty_index = tweak_data:difficulty_to_index(difficulty, true) return "overkill_145" == tweak_data:index_to_difficulty(difficulty_index, false) end if settings.as_mutator ~= false and MutatorHelper then if Network:is_client() then module.check_mutator = function() return MutatorHelper.is_active(mut_key) end return end if MutatorHelper.setup_mutator(module, mut_key, availability, nil, required_by_clients, disable_challenges) == false then -- mutator available, but not enabled return end end -- at this point the mutator is enabled, mutators are not available or an old mod version is used (check returns nil) module:hook_post_require("lib/units/props/timergui", function(module) local TimerGui = module:hook_class("TimerGui") module:hook(TimerGui, "start", function(self, timer) if tonumber(timer) == 2000 and (not module.check_mutator or module.check_mutator()) then timer = 7200 end return module:call_orig(TimerGui, "start", self, timer) -- end, false) end) end }}, localization = { ["mutator_ovd7200"] = "Original overdrill time", ["mutator_ovd7200_help"] = { english = "Restores the original overdrill time of 2hrs" }, ["mutator_ovd7200_motd"] = { english = "The original overdrill timer has been restored in this session (2hrs)" }, ["mod_ovd7200_load_as_mutator"] = { english = "Load as mutator" } } })

Install by copying the code and paste it to mods/overdrill7200/base.lua. You'll have to create both the folder and the file. Open with a text editor like notepad. Or download it from here[].
Last edited by DorentuZ`; Mar 4, 2021 @ 10:07am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
DorentuZ` Aug 18, 2017 @ 8:08am 
You can just quote the post to see it. I may reupload it to Dropbox some day, just not now.
Toreador Sep 18, 2017 @ 7:54am 
Link is still removed for me
B Dawg Sep 18, 2017 @ 7:55am 
Quote the original post to see the download link.
3kmair Jun 6, 2020 @ 2:46pm 
Link deleted
MarcusPy Jun 6, 2020 @ 3:46pm 
it's not deleted, like Dor and B said, - quote it
3kmair Jun 6, 2020 @ 3:48pm 
ah oh see
DorentuZ` Jul 28, 2020 @ 12:03pm 
Updated it a bit. *Should* work with the current release, but I made it with the upcoming version 1.12[] in mind.
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