Steam Labs SteamLabs
Steam Labs SteamLabs
May 29, 2019
All Discussions > 013 Store Hubs > Topic Details
Functionality Reduced, Please Fix
Please add in the functionality we used to have, as it is beyond frustrating that when I do something as simple as try and sort a tag by best doesn't rank them by best reviewed like it used to. Now it sort of loosely lumps together well reviewed games in a random order. Similarly, trying to search by multi-tag is broken. Used to be you could keep piling on tags to find a game that has all the tags you are looking for...but now, you try and add a tag and sometimes it seems to do literally nothing, other times it shows you a few of the games that share those tags mixed in with a ton of games that don't, pushing off some of the games that DO to show you games the algorithm thinks you'd like even if they are games you wanted filtered out by clicking another tag they don't have.

I want the functionality we used to have, where you could sort things and it would display them properly sorted.

I want the functionality we used to have, where you could click multiple tags and have ONLY games that share those tags displayed for you to browse and see if you want to purchase.

I don't care about the new UI design visually one way or another same as I didn't care one way or the other about the old UI design visually speaking, but if you deprive us of basic search functionality that's just ridiculous.
All Discussions > 013 Store Hubs > Topic Details