SourceOP Highlander SOPH
SourceOP Highlander SOPH
게임 중
2009년 1월 5일
United States 
SourceOP Highlander 정보

What is Highlander?
Highlander is a form of TF2 play that consists of 9v9 1 of each class. "There can be only one."

Why do we care?
Highlander completely changes the style of play involved, it makes you focus more on individual targets as opposed to just pub spam. We and many others feel this form of play isn't just a break from the normal TF2 pub, but is also more fun with a small competitive twist.

How are teams equal?
Teams are equalized with a selection method that is done by selecting 2 captains. There is then a coin toss to decide which captain gets their pick between calling captain class (the class that both captains will be playing) or picking the first player. After the captain class is picked, the captain with the first pick then selects 1 player he wants on his team. That player can then choose from the remaining 8 classes. From there, captains alternate first picks on a counter class basis. For example:
(Scout > Engineer > Spy > Pyro > Heavy > Medic > Soldier> Demo > Sniper) or
(Medic > Heavy > Sniper > Spy > Pyro > Soldier > Demo > Scout > Engineer)
Only rules of this is that Heavy and Medic as well as the Soldier and Demo are always paired together.

How does the class picking work?
A class selection moderator will then say "dot up to play (Class)". "Dotting" up means Players who wants to play that class will need to type a period (.) in the text box if they want to be considered for that class. The captains then chooses from the selection pool. If you had to sit out during the last game, you can type an exclaimation mark (!) instead. This guarantees that you will be selected by one of the captains. The first captain is not required to pick you, but the 2nd will be. If there are two or more players, then both captains are required to pick from the exclaimation pool. This is to keep the pool balanced so that everyone gets a chance to play and be fair for everyone. We appreciate the players that have to sit out since it allows a larger selection pool for the next game. Please do not exploit it.

zAlfy Rule: A player may not repeat the same class every game, for getting face raped is not fun. This does not apply if no one else wants to play the current class.

Are any weapons banned?
Sandman, Dead Ringer, Eternal Reward, Wrangler, Mad Milk, and Natasha are the current ones. Not because they are considered overpowered, but they create too much statemate in the games.

Who is invited?
Basically any solid/cool player you want to invite.

When are these held?
We will run one every Saturday 8PM Central.

But sir you haven't provided us with enough information!
The server
connect; password oatmeal

Mumble Info:
Download Mumble:
Server IP:
Port: 10035

Ventrilo 4551 helkitnat

인기 토론글
최근 공지
6v6 ESEA Open Action...
Streaming Highlander!!!
댓글 21
Divine Magnus [DesA] 2012년 11월 23일 오전 3시 22분 
Goldrush 24/7 My new hangout. Hope to see you there.
RedЯuM 2011년 7월 20일 오후 6시 13분 
ᵀн sdogg2m 2011년 5월 18일 오전 6시 00분 
Thanks to all who came out for last nights impromptu highlander!!! Was much fun!!!
dadalorian 2011년 5월 16일 오후 11시 06분 
So this is where all the sourceop pros hang out... glad I finally got invited... all those countless hours of playing soldier has finally paid off.. *tears of happiness*
Oh, no! It's Johnny 2011년 5월 16일 오전 5시 37분 
It's dusty here
Sups 2011년 1월 9일 오전 11시 22분 
-sw -w 1920 -h 1200 -noborder -nojoy -noipx -novid
게임 중
0 채팅 중
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2009년 1월 5일
United States