SidBans SidBans
SidBans SidBans
11. května 2019

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New forum launched.
How to appeal a SteamID ban
  1. Do not be disrespectful in any way towards anybody, especially not towards the Admin handling your case. It will effectively end your appeal.
  2. Communications take place in the open, do not attempt to try and discuss a ban in private anywhere, it will be ignored.
  3. Do not insist on speaking to another Admin if you don't get what you want from the one handling your case. We know of each other who's doing what, and we will back each other up when needed.
  4. You do not need to emphasize it's important to you, we already know. Do realize though we look at things differently than you most likely, and how your opinion is irrelevant in that.
  5. Do not offer bribes. It will cause the exact opposite of what you want to achieve.
  6. Do not ask for specifics on how you got caught, they will not be disclosed to you. Rest assured we evaluate a potential ban from multiple angles before issuing it, and do not go about things haphazardly.
  7. Do not accuse an Admin of abuse of power. Doing that means accusing all Admins. We don't care about who's behind a banned profile, so there's no incentive to abuse power. We only care about the profile, and what it's been used for.
  8. We will deal with you, and you alone. If you want to bring in witnesses of some sort, ask first. You are not supposed to get involved in other people's appeals, nor are others in yours.
  9. State your case in a calm and polite fashion. Follow the directions of the Admin handling your case. Supply proof when asked for. And accept the result of your appeal gracefully.

These rules are not up for debate, so don't try and debate them. Follow them, and we'll all get along just fine. Break them and you will eventually find yourself banned from appealing your ban. That would not be a good thing for you.

You can start your appeal by opening a discussion here.

For those of you not being quite up to speed with what an appeal should be about, it's where you provide us with solid facts backed up with equally solid evidence as to why we should reconsider whatever decision you're appealing. Merely saying "it wasn't me" or "it's not true" and so on does not qualify as such, nor does repeating those ad nauseam.
Do realize our decision is based on data analysis, you will need to supply data superseding ours for it to have any effect on our analysis.

Počet komentářů: 18
nldw 20. kvě. 2019 v 12.55 
Bans will be handled on this forum [] now - please post on there instead. :)
niko 16. kvě. 2019 v 11.18 
because i tried to buy patron on second acc and i was banned
niko 16. kvě. 2019 v 11.17 
i got ban on my ip addres can you unban on ip then ?
Dad 16. kvě. 2019 v 10.12 
Sure, everybody is using Steam(ID) from an internet cafe, heard it all before. If that were true you could simply have shown the receipt for it. If you'd really be so innocent, you'd try and prove that, instead of lying and asking questions trying to obtain info.

There's a bunch of factors linking profiles, that's all you need to know.

Y'all people can drop your acts.
You've been caught, deal with it.
You had your chance at an appeal, you blew it.

End of story.
Maxx 16. kvě. 2019 v 9.36 
Yeah that is alsothe question i was asking the admin @ch3at cod3s, specially im playing on a cafe where other people are playing in the same computer. Lol
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11. května 2019