The Panaun Roadtrip Federation PAROFED
The Panaun Roadtrip Federation PAROFED
29 липня 2012 р.
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
Усі обговорення > News and ideas > Подробиці теми
TLDR at bottom:

One of the activities we pushed early on in the Just Cause 2 MP beta was recruitment into our group. Now ... we have reached a membership level (thanks to so many great members here) that we didn't originally think possible. The issue is that out of our 400something people, I'm certain 10% or less actually check this page, as well as participate in events.

SO, I have a plan.

Frequent, short roadtrips on Jman100's server that are open to the public. Yes, there will be trolls spawning berings, and leaving the trip to shoot us with G9's, ect, ect. Since I am familiar with all the mods and talk with Jman100 frequently, I am sure he can help us out with the griefers; Despite trolls, there will always be people who show maturity and entusiasm for the roadtrip, having never been on one before.

Every time I am on Jman100's Build server, there are always multiple new users that I see. The total amount of players on this mod is small, but I believe it's because of the nature of the game, and lack of active factions, so players pop on and off quickly, however there are a lot of unique players overall.

I will be talking with SubZer0 about this, and any member who has any suggestions to grow the activity of this faction! I will also be submitting a request to upper management to cut the fat off this faction. If we don't see a post from a member or see them in-game for months and months, they are not a parofed member.

TLDR: If you don't have time, or enough reading comprehension to read this, please leave the group. If it took you more than 5 minutes, I'll read it to you personally over Skype or TS. Heck maybe I'll even help you read. One thing that's a strong point of this group, is that it requires VERY little from members. I am also going to schedule a PAROFED group meeting over teamspeak or steam chat to discuss the future of PAROFED.
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Усі обговорення > News and ideas > Подробиці теми