Movie Addicts MovieAddicts
Movie Addicts MovieAddicts
March 28, 2016
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[Important!] The Club will be Disabled for December

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2Weak2Live Feb 14, 2017 @ 4:52am 
Are you planning to bring it back at some point? I'm currently sitting on 4 games that would be QGAs, need to decide what to do with them.
Hot Bullet 8 Dec 23, 2016 @ 11:54pm 
Ok I will have to agree with the others, you 2 put a ton of time, effort and even money into this group! And the last thing I want is that you guys feel let down, I think this group should be just for pure fun, a mandatory monthly gib to keep things afloat (I would advocate for removing the 10p requirement too) with a mandatory review (minimum of 3 lines) and that's it!

Organizing a movie night is enough trouble for you guys already, I think those should still keep going though, from time to time as you guys say (6-12 per year), I don't mind if the QGAs rules still stand too! But yeah, the point system seems like too much of a toll for you guys.

Lots of love to Morph and Drag! Thanks a lot for everything you did for us this year :towngem:
Threepw00d Dec 20, 2016 @ 9:58pm 
I hope the group continues, as I enjoy the chance to share movie recommendations and reviews, while sharing some game giveaways for fun. I agree that removing the point system is a good step to see how things go in the new year. Thanks for all the support always!
PatchmaN Dec 15, 2016 @ 4:37am 
Same here. Back to basic, even it was fun, but it take a lot time, which nobody have these days.
stef Dec 14, 2016 @ 10:49pm 
I honestly think you should do away with the point system. A lot of people such as me love the group and being in it, but cannot dedicate the right time to it. I think the activities such as movie nights should just be for fun and a sense of community, instead of gain. Thank you for how much you guys have donated to keep this group going. It's my favorite group I'm in, just wish I had more time to dedicate to it.
Elimorious Dec 14, 2016 @ 6:45pm 
Howdy, Much appreciate the effort you two have put in this group. A change is a good idea. Maybe killing the point system but making the monthly a non-bundled worth a set amount. I really don't know what to say. I hope over Christmas some usable ideas come-up so we can keep the group moving forward.