My Little Friend: RP is Magic MLF:RIM
My Little Friend: RP is Magic MLF:RIM
June 4, 2013
Tell about your OC
i have 4 OC so it's hard to tell about all of them ^^
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
KinkyTheSlinky Jun 4, 2013 @ 10:41am 
I'm just kinky Pinkamena.
Glurt Magby Jun 4, 2013 @ 11:03am 
Im a orange pegasus with a blond mane/tail, im a little shy but if you become friend with me you won't stop me from saying some bullshit.
My cutie mark is a wrench (like tje engineer) cuz' I like things like motors and stuff like that BUT WHO CARES???
I love playing games (obviously) and even more with friends
Finaly, Im french so like we say, passez une bonne journée
Bubble Boppin Jun 4, 2013 @ 11:14am 
I am a earth pony who was always mistreated and always pushed over to get what they want and eventually i became a slave to trixie who never let me go
duwang man Jun 5, 2013 @ 4:59am 
I am Commander Box from the future. C:
I am a (un)normal wooden box that wears a rubberfruit helmet and that can talk.
I am from the Box empire, so I fight for the square army.
Calmo Jun 5, 2013 @ 5:20am 
Well, I'm an orange brown pegasus with red hair. Down the center of my mane and tail, I have a black stripe that is a few inches wide. I have a Half Life Lambda on my flank, symbolizing my love for video games, especially shooters.

In equestria my OC works at a hobby store, like Games Workshop, in Fillydelphia.

He has few real friends, and primarily socialises in games and at work.
TripleMRed Jun 5, 2013 @ 5:11pm 
My OC is a brown Earth Pony with black mane/tail. No cutie-mark, not because he hasn't found his talent but because he isn't an actual equestrian pony. Not a drop of magic in his system, and I usualy play him as anthro, but normal pony is fine too. No real home, just goes from place to place taking up jobs and favors.
I'm Trixie's sex slave from another dimension, with a magic enhanced 2-foot penis. One day I am accidentally released, and I wreak havoc on Ponyville by making everyone pregnant. People say Discord is already a character, but I just reply, "Fuck you I can't bang all these ponies"
Queen Crimson Jun 26, 2013 @ 8:32am 
My OC is a Changeling/Pony. She is almost entirely embraceful of the Changeling side, and she has magical eyes that glow under certain circumstances. She has a charcoal-grey coat and golden-tipped wings, and a purple and red-tipped mane and tail.
Doctor Mark Jul 9, 2013 @ 6:22pm 
My OC is a unicorn named Jack, as in Jack of All Trades. His coat is white and his mane is short and black, his eyes are dark brown, so dark brown, they are pesudo-black. His cutiemark seems non-existant but he did get a cutie mark once, and when he got it, it was nothing. Jack is good at just about everything you can teach him, but won't excell in any one trade and can't learn trades by himself.
Luna <3 Jul 15, 2013 @ 5:37pm 
The description needed to visualise Timerupture, a pegasis pony begins at the very tip of his tail where the red color weavely melts in with the night black. This color streches from the tail to the coat and on to the mane which then again graduates to the rose red all the way to it's peak. His cutie mark represents an energy, a sort that seperates time from space and yet keeps them together as it ends it's cycle. When a speed of ninety-three kilometers per hour is achieved he then twists down into a ninety degree angle and twists his wings in a shape of an arrow. Darting through the wind he then generates an energy field around himself slowly causing time to pierce through space and vice versa. The result in the end is ripping these two appart and fusing them together in a different location thus causing time to speed up and catch up with the space he is currently in. This creates an illusion of pace and it seems as if he traveled from point A to point B quicker than Rainbow Dash herself (which is clearly impossible). This is Timerupture, his personality is a secret because you've not yet met him, only heard of him. He can be seen on my profile picture in the upper right corner. The other pony is currently irrelevant.
Lord of Owls Sep 8, 2013 @ 3:24am 
i have 3 oc's if its not a porblem ill tell about them all.

the first one is Sion the Rapadant.
he's a alicorn that has been genetic engineared for war, his coat is a military green, his mane would resemble vinyl scratch but gold and blue. his tail is short but the same color schem as his mane. his cutie mark is what my profile pic looks like. he is around the age of 1572 yr old(and still young). his eyes are a bright glowing red. his special talent being the art of war.

my second oc is Skrell the Rapadant.
he's the sone of my oc Sion. he is a alicorn. his coat is jet black with alchemical etchings on his upper body and left side of his face. his mane has a shadowy like apearence and floats kind of like celestias but is fairly short. his eyes are a bright red. his cutie mark is also the same as my profile pic. he is about 207 yr old. he is a adept alchemist, and studys under his father.

and my last oc her name is ohmiya. she is also a member of the Rapadant species but is not related to Sion or Skrell, Sion just finds her child-LIKE nature cute, and cant find it in himself to tell her to act her age. she has a pale blue coat and has bright red eyes like all Rapadants. she is around the age of Sion but acts like a little filly, thow she can act "mature" when she "wants" to. she has a dark blue mane with gold bands going down the back of her mane. her tail is extreemly long but she can control it and use it like a extra apendage, but usualy she keeps it bundled up so its not in the way. her cutie mark is a kuni going through a bulles eye. her special tallent being martial arts. some times she will try and sneak attack Sion but he only pretends to be hurt. "im suprised they arnt married yet" *wink wink*

well thats most of the info on my oc's i skiped some things that wouldnt realy make sence, or just wernt realy important, mainly trying to stay with the main details of the OC's
Heinz.363VD Sep 8, 2013 @ 8:49am 
thank you for all telling about your characters, there is some trolls and some serious roleplayers as seem like. i mainly rp with my Von Hartherzig who is lynx, he came to ponies land long time ago and haves dark backstory. all needed information can be found from my profile and i have drawings from him too.

thank you all,i hope i see you in pm or group chat sometime
I have got tons of Oc's, let me tell you them ALL! We also have a HUGE backstory which is a WIP, so get ready for that, and when its done, cheak out my profile.

The Defenders:

Tyler The Fighter (TTF for short):He is the leader of the Defenders! He is smart and is really fast. He is also the one of the people who built the whole Defenders base!

Shadow:Tyler The Fighter's brother, he has a scar one his left eye and if he closes that eye, his scar and eye glows and it inverts lighting (Bright become dark and dark becomes bright). he is also the co-leader of the defenders! He is also that dark that he can blend in with the dark, makeing it so you can't see him (but his glowing eye and scar) but he can see you!

DRD:One of Tyler's best friends. His real name is:"Protecter Sam" and when tyler was a filly and was a school, DRD would stand up for him. However now hes a cyborg due to indicoent [REDACTED] and was remade.

Gamer Bot:A robot which controlls the whole place. (Looks alot like GLaDOS) he hangs from the celling, connecting to all the database of the defenders base. He is very aggresive and is extreamly powerfull. She has a laser which emittes from her eye, however will overheat if stayed on for to long, and a powerfull ground sweeper attack which emitters high pulse energy lines across the floor (and they sting!). and her last attack, the anti-gravity beam. It can move around freely on GamerBot's first disc and will shoot a beam, makeing the victem in a uncontrollable body.

Z00my:One of the fastest of the defenders. He may be weak but he can never give up a good race. he even beat rainbow dash easily! He is a good friend of Tyler. He scouts out areas for them to.

(No name yet): He his exactly like a advisor from Half life 2 EP 2 but has a eye and longer, sharper claws. There isn't just one, there everywhere, they try there best, fixing holes in test chambers and helping others.

Mirage: TTF's son, he loves playing around in a open field. However he will sometimes almost turn invisable in the sunlight! He is always active and will always like to jump at you without a warning. He is also a powerfull filly as he has already defeated a advanced armored bear!

Team Plague!:

Soul Taker: He is the leader of team plague and controlls all darkness. He also leds all dark spirits. He has three side kicks: Bl0Od CuTteR, ThE ANnoYiER and Spy (Spy is a big WIP!).
He can turn himself invisable at any time and is the reason why most SCP's are in the world.
Not only hes evil, but can turn thin air into whatever he wants, so he can turn thin air into a gaint explosive barrel. but luckerly there are limits to what he can do. He is also the enemy of the Defenders!

Rebbacca (AKA Bl0Od CuTteR): She is a mainiac how is like pinkamena due to she has the same hair and tail style. She is the queen of the knives and if you try to stab her, the knives will force the one holding the knife from penatrating through her skin. She is the mother of Glowing eyes and loves Rourke (ThE ANnoYiER). However, if you manage to make her really mad, she will enter a rage fourm and get really MaD! In this state, her eyes will turn compleatly black and her pupils will turn blood red. Blood will drip from her eyes and this black stuff to, which blends with the black eyes. Only Rourke will calm her down. Also she likes looking at the stars! :D

Rourke (AKA ThE ANnoYiER):He is a really annoiying pony who will try to annoye anything, even ThE CuTteR's victems! It will take ages to get him to shut up and some times, ponies will commit suicide because of him! He is the farther of Glowing eyes and Loves Rebbacca. And he will try everything he can to protect his family.
He also likes looking at the stars! :D

Spy: Currantly is a work in progress. Rought idea on what he might do: He can turn invisable forever and will secretly murder ponies by lureing them. He can also disguise as anypony, so he can be Derpy, he can be Pinkie pie or anything else!

SCP, Monster of all: He is the most angriest of them all. He can tear open tatanium walls without a problem. Althought he is in containment, you can hear his roar from 5 miles away!
He uses his roar to stun people and will request for food by growling loudly (yes his growls are really really loud) He can mutate into anything and can duplicate himself if he gets to big!
He has caused 3 containment breaches so far. But if he teams up with 682, they will work together, creating the most deadlist thing alive. just one swap and you will be nothing!
Only level 4 staff shall enter the chamber do observe him.

Sorry for the REALLY long comment. and pls help me as my brain is about to explode!
Last edited by ⚠☢Hazard24☢⚠; Feb 20, 2014 @ 10:51am
SigmaLX (ELK) Apr 19, 2014 @ 12:17pm 
i have too many OCs
but not all are ponies (only couple are)
main: jay fallowhaven
position: stepfather the celestia and luna
exiled for tapping dark arts, he and the white army are sent away... sadly the night of the winters march destroyed the white army
ressurected, jay seeks revenge
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