Keys Added keyadd
Keys Added keyadd
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25 aout 2014
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Main Keys Added Thread
This Read Only thread is for posting of announcements by moderators for keys added after a bundle/promotion has ended.

Users who subscribe to this thread should get notifications on steam when new posts are made by a moderator indicating a new key has been added. You may also subscribe to the announcements via RSS which are done preiodically and collect all key additions since the previous annoucement. maintains an updated list able to be filtered by bundled games and those that have been released or Greenlit with an icon to indicate if keys have been added. For older releases you may try the list of keys added at IGB Wikia[] though note that list is no longer maintained.

Steam Forum Thread
Steam Gifts Thread[]
Dernière modification de FiftyDkpMinus; 13 janv. 2017 à 12h38
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Affichage des commentaires 346 à 360 sur 1,693
Steam keys for Pushcat are now available for people who have bought at least 25 (different) Indie Royale Bundles[] via Desura client.

If you have any issue with getting Steam key, please check the post at there
Dernière modification de 7extonly; 12 janv. 2015 à 14h35
Steam keys for Pushcat are now available at IGS.
A dJ 12 janv. 2015 à 16h23 
Potatoman Seeks the Troof (IndieGameStand*)

* Redeem instructions have been sent via email. Gives Desura & Steam key.

Sorry for the delay! You are eligible for a Potatoman Seeks the Troof Steam key from your purchase of the PixelJam: Octology Deal. Due to the way we had this set up in our system, keys for this game will have to be redeemed through here.

Click this link to add the game to your IGS Game Wallet, from where you can redeem your Steam key - hxxp:/ ...[/url]

edit: please note that if you bought this deal that you can request an additional Steam key from the developer for the OST. Email with proof to
Dernière modification de A dJ; 12 janv. 2015 à 17h15
A dJ 12 janv. 2015 à 17h28 
Blasted Fortress (Flying Greenlight Bundle)
Steam keys for Elements: Soul of Fire are now available at IGS.
Steam keys for Urja are now available for the buyers of Indie Royale The Debut 21 Bundle via Desura client.
7extonly a écrit :
Steam keys for Urja are now available for the buyers of Indie Royale The Debut 21 Bundle via Desura client.
Keys are up at the collection page too.
Pushcat Steam key is now available on the IndieRoyale Thy Rewards collection page.

(Mod Edit - Motoki) For clarity, Thy Rewards is all the way down at the VERY BOTTOM of the Indie Royale collection page at
Dernière modification de Motoki; 13 janv. 2015 à 15h39
Dandey 13 janv. 2015 à 10h53 
Just saw that the desura keys of Retention that were given by the indie game bundle and pinkerator ( 50k keys around 7-8 months ago) have steam keys avaible...hope it helps someone this info

(Mod edit - Motoki) The key should be at the Desura collection here:
Dernière modification de Motoki; 13 janv. 2015 à 11h12
Steam keys for Unhack are now available for the buyers of Groupees Shinyloot Bundle 4 via Shinyloot.
Dandey a écrit :
Just saw that the desura keys of Retention that were given by the indie game bundle and pinkerator ( 50k keys around 7-8 months ago) have steam keys avaible...hope it helps someone this info

(Mod edit - Motoki) The key should be at the Desura collection here:
Just wanna point out there were 2 Retention giveaways from IGB/Bundle HQ.

1. The first giveaway started at 12/13 Jun 2014, the distribution method was through and offering Desura keys. The promotion link is

2. The second giveaway started at 20/21 September 2014, the distribution method was through and offering a PDF file which contains a Desura key. The promotion link is (already dead) or

I believe people who got Desura keys from both giveaways should be able to get a Steam key from Desura collection link.

In addition, there was another Retention giveaway hosted by Getbetakeys, a PDF file contains a Desura key as well, but Steam keys hasn't uploaded atm.
Dernière modification de 7extonly; 13 janv. 2015 à 11h45
If you have participated previous WGN "War, The Game" promotion,

You can grab a Steam key at
Dernière modification de 7extonly; 13 janv. 2015 à 13h12
7extonly a écrit :
In addition, there was another Retention giveaway hosted by Getbetakeys, a PDF file contains a Desura key as well, but Steam keys hasn't uploaded atm.
Steam keys are up for this promotion as well.
Steam key for X-Note are now available for the buyers of Groupees Build a Greenlight Bundle 14.

(The store page isn't live yet)

Edit: The store page is up now
Dernière modification de 7extonly; 13 janv. 2015 à 22h24
Steam keys for Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath are now available for the buyers of Bundle Bandits Shiny Bundle 1 via IGS.
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