Elite Mod Fight Club ElMoFC
Elite Mod Fight Club ElMoFC
1. januar 2015
OM Elite Mod Fight Club

Elite Mod Fight Club

Group to organize Elite Mod Exhibition matches which will be streamed for the entertainment of everyone who wants to make fun of pressure.

Seriously though, we'd like a bigger 1v1 player pool so if you feel like you'd like to improve your game and could do with some tips in a friendly, fun and supportive atmosphere this is the place to go. The format is designed in a way so that no single player dominates and everyone gets a turn.

First Rule: DO talk about the fight club
Second Rule: Seriously, DO talk about the fight club. We'd like to get in as many people on this as possible.

Victory point control: 500 VPS
Random starting location
Standard resources

King of the hill rules. The 'King' continues to accept 'Challengers' until beaten, at which point the Challenger becomes the King.
Should the King remain undefeated after three consecutive Challengers, he shall abdicate his throne.
A King may also voluntarily abdicate.
Should a Challenger fail to overthrow a King, he may not challenge the same King again.
In the event where there is no ruling King and only two Challengers take the field, the King shall be randomly determined by the referee, simply for the purposes of commander and map selection.

Commander choices
Unlimited commander choices
Random is permitted

The King will always lock in his commander first. The Challenger will then lock in his commander choice.

The Challenger will always have the choice of map
The King will have the option to veto a single map during the match

The 1v1 Map Pool
Let's get crazy, let's get loose. Anything goes.

Due to the nature of the Club, the Challenger pool will be drafted from the observer pool. Please do not observe if you do not intend to fight soon.
However, streamers and referees are excluded from this rule.

When a game ends prematurely for whatever reason, one of two events will come into effect:
The players agree on a winner or agree to replay.
If the players don't come to an agreement a referee will make the decision for them. The referee's decision will be final and without discussion so the Club can go on as smoothly as possible.

Additional Tournament Rules
Be respectful. Inappropriate or disrespectful behavior will result in disqualification or other disciplinary actions as the referees see fit.

Elite Mod Home[]
Elite Mod Playtesting Group
Elite Mod Codex[]
Updated streamers list! Keep the lobby coming!
Fight club started! Link in description
11 kommentarer
Impregnable The Dictator 21. mai kl. 6.38 
Notice: This Steam group is not used anymore.

We have a Discord and a forum that are where all the activity happens. Links for them are below.

Discord Server []

Elite Mod Website []

The Newest Patch
Download (ModDB)

Patch Notes (Forum)
Head over to the Releases Section []of our forum to view patch notes from the newest patch.

For any issues with installation or technical difficulties, visit our Discord's technical-discussion channel [].
🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛 11. apr. 2015 kl. 2.38 
@Will, the point of this group existing is to promote 1v1. If you want to see 2v2, talk to Cheeki.
ADudeNamedWill 27. mars 2015 kl. 7.57 
is it just 1v1... i would like to see 2v2
Shiv Katall 14. mars 2015 kl. 0.13 
Great, always could use improvement in this game
Atlas 12. jan. 2015 kl. 11.20 
Dunno if available but I'd be willing to play :P
SURPRISE ATTACK! 5. jan. 2015 kl. 12.21 
Thanks for the invite :)
Bli med i samtale
1. januar 2015