Dunamis Gaming Military RP ~Duna~
Dunamis Gaming Military RP ~Duna~
Fundado em
24 de fevereiro de 2017
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Kleos 24/fev./2017 às 8:21
Comment your application down below.

Word of advice: Don't talk yourself up, we can tell when you're lying.

Name on server:

Steam Name:

Bio: Who you are, what you're like.

Age: You must be 14+

Do you have a mic?:

Are you familiar with ULX?:

Have you read the Staff Rules on the front page?:

Time on the server: At least 12 hours

Any admins you know:

Why would we want you?: Past experience, that sort of thing.

Are you active?: When do you usually play etc

Will you do your best to keep the server alive and healthy?: Tell your friends, host events etc
Última edição por Kleos; 12/mar./2017 às 3:12
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Lxcky Lxke 28/fev./2017 às 3:33 
Bio: name's luke im an avid gamer with too many hours on gmod, i like helicopters and motorcycles.

Age: 16 turning 17

Time on the server: 13.5

Any admins you know: the owner kleos

Why would we want you?: have been an admin for 100 or so hours of gmod time spent

Are you active?: im playing almots all the time if i cant i will warn you in advance

Will you do your best to keep the server alive and healthy?: ofcourse server promoting on others will most likely result in bans but i will try and push the servers existance.
Dare 2/mar./2017 às 4:27 
Bio: Who you are, what you're like.: Well im 15 years old who lives in sweden and really take Rp games/servers seriously

Age: You must be 14+ im 15

Do you have a mic?: broken (gonna get a new one)

Are you familiar with ULX?: Yes i know ulx commands such as
and more but thease are the only ones that are comming to my mind atm

Time on the server: At least 12 hours no i dont have 12 hours :( (hope expectations can be made)

Any admins you know:not on the server no

Why would we want you?: Past experience, that sort of thing.: I have been Manager (SA Commands) on ********* gaming [dark-rp], Head of staff (SA commands) in ****** gamers networks [military-rp] Sr admin on **** gaming [mrp] and SA on ***** gaming [dark-rp]. And I will make sure I won't abuse my powers because I really want this position and I fully understand that if I do abuse my powers they can be taken from me and that is the last thing I want to happen, Also it could disrupt RP and that just isn't fun for others and my job as T-Mod would be to improve the server not make it worse. Also I will ask any higher staff before making big decisions because I might not be able to make them kind of decisions yet. And when kicking or banning someone It would be very educated because I will get both sides of the story and check logs for evidence of their accused offences and if found out to be guilty I will give the offender their deserved punishment. Also when I am on off duty I will make sure i am not godded as it will be unfair on others.

Are you active?: When do you usually play etc yes i can play about 15-20 hours a week

Will you do your best to keep the server alive and healthy?: Tell your friends, host events etc yes i will i will not advertise in other servers but i will tell my freinds that i know and be active and introduce anyone new to the server
Última edição por Dare; 2/mar./2017 às 4:30
Nixon 4/mar./2017 às 16:19 
Nixonn's Staff Application

Name on server: Nixonn

Steam Name: Nixonn

Bio: G'day, My name is Nixonn or some people may know me as Rixo. I have several hobbies such as guitar and of course playing games. I have been playing on RP servers and Gmod in general for several years now.

Age: I do not think my age should affect my application but I am over 14

Do you have a mic?: Yes, And I use it regularly

Are you familiar with ULX?: Very. I have been an admin on many servers before and I am familiar with all the ULX commands

Time on the server: I am unaware of how many hours I have on the server but I will update this as soon as possible

Any admins you know: On this server I know Kleos,Wardog and one other person.

Why would we want you?: As I have previously stated I have been an admin/staff member on several servers already so I have lots of experience and I will always be friendly and not be bias in any admin situations. I would like to become an admin because in the mornings and at other times there are no staff on so we can't train recruits or do other activities.

Are you active?: I am usually on everyday if not every 2 days. This may change if I am away on holidays etc.

Will you do your best to keep the server alive and healthy?: Yes I will, I have brought three of my friends to the server already and I have also already got some decent ideas for events/missions.

Thank you for reading and good luck to all other applicants!
Uncle Iroh 9/mar./2017 às 23:27 
Zed's Staff application

Server name: Zed

Steam name: PacMan1134

Bio:Himy name is Zed People know me as Chris (short for Christopher) . Ive been playing Rp servers for a pretty long time now, I am well known on the Darkrp Servers Xplosion Gaming.My hobbies consist of Playing piano and Video games.

Age: I'm currently 14

Mic: Yes I do have i mic but i barely use it cause parents be sleeping XD

ULX: I am familiar with The ULX even tho i have never been an admi before

Time on Server: I am sure that i have more than 12 hours on the miltaryRP server

Any Admins You Know:The Admins I know are Kleos,Scopes,Wardog,Nixxon and Cards

When Do u usaully play: I usually play on Fridays Saturdays and Sundays due to school

Why Would We want You: I Enjoy Helping in events and training

Will you do your best to keep the server alive and healthy?: Yes I will, even though i haven't got anyfriends that dont like RP servers I will try to invite them over to the server and see what they think.

Thank You For reading my Application
Última edição por Uncle Iroh; 10/mar./2017 às 1:28
Koala 13/mar./2017 às 3:41 
Name on server:UN CPL Bush

Steam Name:TheRealMrLazy

Bio: Hello my nickname is Cam i love to play games my friends call me nerd for playing gmod alot just how cares i love it. I love to give out order's,follow and point out.

Age: 15 turning 16 in 3weeks

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Are you familiar with ULX?: yes

Have you read the Staff Rules on the front page?:Yes

Time on the server: Unkown

Any admins you know:Yes owner, wardog, cards,icey and more.

Why would we want you?: Past experience, that sort of thing. You guys may need me because i understand whats happening, Knowing when to step in and when to Stop things such as in sit's, Yelling and Fighting.

Are you active?: Weekends only owner understands

Will you do your best to keep the server alive and healthy?: Tell your friends, host events etc I will do my best i'm friends with rampage as well.
Última edição por Koala; 13/mar./2017 às 3:46
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