Clan Wulf CW
Clan Wulf CW
Fundado em
4 de outubro de 2007
SOBRE Clan Wulf

For honour and friendship

Clan Wulf is a complex international family of gamers. They will claim it is a democracy with only a few to no rules. Which is ofcourse a lie.
Here are a few of the many rules you should know:

-Thou should play with honor and friendship.
-Be polite to all people you meet in game and keep up the good CW name, unless you are a Manc...
-Help your guild and its members get killed in horrible ways and places by totally overpowered monsters.
-Having your foot pierced by huge nails (preferably rusty ones) at least once in your life is mandatory to join CW (those who havent had the pleasure yet will be fixed next RL meeting)
-A CW hunt to a new area must end in group wipeout, preferable due to cockiness (confident-cocky-dead).
-Tara is always the guildleader and grand inquisitor of the pony cult
-Max is actually the guildleader, but he is not allowed to show up more than 10x per new game, in those appearances he must die honorably at least 25 times (in a death or glory kinda way)
-Grimwart is supposed to say at least once per hunt that he will never lead again, twice when he is leading (and something about sheep)
-Conall has a mandatory loo break every 10 minutes during hunts and pvp
-Nobody is allowed to die more than Dessie
-Hawk must feel lonely and left out at least once a month
-Mimer must play at least 2 healers, more is prefered though
-Bevan is not allowed to show up in game more than once a month after a new MMORPG is released
-Natas Law: Ponies and other creatures that even slightly resemble horses are to be killed on sight (Horses are evil)
-Tara's Law: Natas Law does not apply (if she can see it)
-Inoxi must be forced to organise a major in-game event where no other CW will show up
-Quai may only make cameo appearances in the game most CW's are playing, also he must switch country he is playing from each appearance
-Llew must do something stupid that makes all laugh, at least once a month
-Vyctor must denounce any form of democracy and claim he is King of CW
-Antarion must be busy at all times (if he aint just crash the CW gallery)
-Brax is a vampire and can only be seen online between dusk and dawn
-Osrik is not allowed to leave EQ for another game for more than a week
-Kibs will mention the war... any war, sometimes he even joins them
-Wigo must moan at least once each time he is online. Mentioning Angelina Jolie completely out of context is mandatory
-Padeu must play an AOE char, or at least pretend he is....
-Huts is not allowed to say anything in the right channel
-Joking about Llew's fence is strictly forbidden
-Konnor should be considered new at all time.
-All PC's are to be cooled with a deskfan.
-Vyctor (aka King Vyctor) is only allowed to join a game 2 months after all other CW have left for another game.
-Only Mafti is allowed to post half the internet on the CW board.
-Its all JD's fault, blame him

Clan Wulf Forums[]
Spread the word!!!
3 comentário(s)
Mafti 17/ago./2013 às 8:44 
Wigo 13/ago./2013 às 9:51 
Wigo 11/ago./2013 às 1:31 
Hello fooks. It is Wigo known from Star Wars galaxies. Nowadays I only play games that can also be run on my Mac. Which is probably more than win PC people think, but still less than I would like. Would love to hang out with some of you guys and galls online again. Also just started playing league of legends... Not sure how long though...
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Fundado em
4 de outubro de 2007