Antso the tough bunny FITE.ME.IRL
Antso the tough bunny FITE.ME.IRL
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2014년 12월 27일
Antso the tough bunny 정보

Antso is the strongest man alive pls don't piss him off or he'll come and fight you IRL.

That's right, I keep it nasty.
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Deepfried Monkey 2015년 4월 21일 오전 1시 00분 
many other stories can be told, but well, I guess everyone in this group already knows what scum he is^^ for the ones who havent met him here. If ya ever encounter him and he needs sth of you (like he needs you for his team) he will be the nicest guy you have ever met (he is good at acting to be nice). But do NOT trust him, he will be the person he rly is when he has got what he needed ... and that person aint a very caring one :)
Deepfried Monkey 2015년 4월 21일 오전 12시 57분 
pfff, where to start :P Ill just say an easy one xp tried to ban me 3 times from etf2l with forged evidence, all 3 times failed :) first reason cuz was Im standing in his way to destroy a certain person, second cuz I warned people about him, third cuz he prb believed in third time good time xp he made a friend of mine depressed. He has a hard time and I supported him in those times, Antso told him I was just mocking him behind his back and hated him (totally liez, its rly a nice guy). I kept denying that but Antso got through to him and made him feel rly terrible, after pushing him in that pit he told him to cut himself, that it would help .... after trying to stop that, my friend finally did it. After that Antso had the time of his life writing a text of 2 pages of how pathetic my friend was and making him know that (by reminding him often). Anyways, that friend is thankfully better now, has some slight confidence problems but thats all :)
uber boss mit grosse super swag 2015년 4월 17일 오전 8시 34분 
17:31 - UltimatePopcorn.: I was LF a scrim and he messaged me, I said no thanks don't wanna play against 'high' teams. (Cause they'er playing in high) and he wanted to report me to the admins :D
bluR- 2014년 12월 30일 오전 9시 34분 
10:07 PM - Bantso: ?
10:07 PM - cloudy: hey
10:07 PM - cloudy: heard you were having issues with drunky
10:08 PM - Bantso: ok?
10:08 PM - cloudy: wel
10:08 PM - cloudy: i forgot what i was gonna do
10:08 PM - Bantso: k
10:08 PM - cloudy:
10:08 PM - cloudy: hope this helps
10:08 PM - Bantso is now Offline.
flame' 2014년 12월 29일 오전 8시 17분 
Antso will wr3ck you all, filthy scrubs, can't handle the $w4g of the bunnyman
.exetacy 2014년 12월 28일 오전 10시 00분 
I hate you:feena:
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2014년 12월 27일