21st Regiment of Foot NW 21stRoFNW
21st Regiment of Foot NW 21stRoFNW
March 29, 2016
United States 
Hanover May 12, 2016 @ 12:39pm
Lieutenant Colonel Hanover's Retirement
Hello Ladies and Gents,

So to begin this and to get straight to the point, I will be stepping down from the Executive Officer of the 21st (Royal North British Fusiliers) Regiment of Foot and retiring over the next few days, I will be working with Eireman to help him decide if he wishes to choose the person to take my place. I've personally been thinking of this decision for a fair amount of time. The main reason is to put someone in my place for real and see if they can take it. I'm personally looking for someone who can take charge when it's needed.

Over the months of working the everyone here as well as the many whom left/retired from the Regiment as well. We had a lot of goods when it came to the Regiment and a few bad times when it was hard to keep it together. I started off like everyone of you has, as a Recruit (We didn't have the Applicant process before hand), I worked my way up slowly to Private all the way up to Serjeant. That's when we had a bad time for the regiment. Our former Lieutenant Colonel, Dimefan and Serjeant Major, Thomas, both left the regiment. From what I gathered is they stepped down/left because they saw opposition in leadership. They saw me as a threat for taking their positions, in which I did and I will say gladly because they were'nt doing much to improve the Regiment if not do their job in those positions. After they stepped down from leadership, I was soon promoted to Ensign, which marked my beginning to my true leadership position as an Officer Candidate.

As some of you may or may not know, I'm currently in the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) for the United States Marine Corps and I will be shipping out to Basic Training in Parris Island on August 8, 2016. I've been in the DEP since October of 2015. Before I get my final job position, i was going for Combat Engineer but soon I found out that one of my friends got the job instead as he pre-enlisted before me. So in the hand, I got my secondary job as Infantry (0311). Throughout the DEP, I've learned alot of leadership skills and a variety of others when working with people, like myself, in the DEP. I now run by the life motto of, "Once you Quit, You'll always Quit." I remind myself of this everyday. Don't quit doing something that leads you to your future. Don't give up and say, "I can't do this anymore", you can, but you're just giving up on trying to push yourself further.

Anyways, I just want to say Thank you to all those who joined the Regiment and put up with my ass-hattery. I'm not a very nice person when it comes to training and such but I also like to have fun every now and then. In the end, it's just a game, not your life. Don't feel obligated to anything. Everything in your life is permanent, with the exception of a few things.

This is Lieutenant Colonel Hanover signing off :)

Lieutenant Colonel Hanover
Retired Executive Officer of the 21st Regiment of Foot.