Metro 2033 Group M2033G
Metro 2033 Group M2033G
January 18, 2016
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Soully Jan 22, 2016 @ 1:35am
Metro Factions
Well, I've noticed a signifigant lack of Roleplayers here, so I figured I may as well start things up. The first way of doing that is by listing Factions, Weapons, and, ofcourse, the mutants. On this page, "Metro Factions", You will see the Factions that populate our underground refuge and understand what drives them. Some of these come from the outstanding book series, others are mentioned and seen in the excellent video games, but they all exist.

Without further ado, let us begin the listings.

Table Of Contents> Press ctrl + f and then type in the name of the section or Faction.

Political Factions
-Confederation of the Ring Line
-Red Line

Religious Factions
-Great Worm Cult

-The Spartan Order

Technical Factions
-Emerald City
-Baumansky Alliance

Emerging Factions
-Huliaipole Republic
-Children of the Underground
-Organized Bandits

Mercantile Factions
-1905 Confederacy
-Belorousskaya Trade Outpost
-Arbat Confederacy

Other Factions
-Dark Ones
-Central Metro Command

Political Factions-

Confederation of the Ring Line

The Confederation of the Ring Line, also known as Hansa, came into existence after many of the small and independant merchant stations on the Ring Line decided it would be better to unite their clans into a single subterranean nation that covered the whole Ring. This trading confederacy started out poor and weak but was a major power in only a short while, largely because of the increased trade and wealth that abounded from thier position. Farming stations went through Hansa to sell thier goods, and the Central Stations had to go through the ring to ship supplies and soldiers. The massive trade confederacy, however, is the spot of many questionable ethics. Many people, not just in the Red Line but throughout the Metro, claim Hansa to be nothing more than a collection of Capitalist Monarchs detached from their people.

Red Line

The Moscow Metro's own communist state, the Red Line formed from rather coincedental circumstances. The Red Line in the Metro lies right under many Soviet Landmarks and Monuments, and the Line itself was made and colored to symbolize marxism at its finest. When the bombs fell and people reatreated to Teatralnaya and Lubyanka and Park Kultury, they had figured it was a sign that Communism would rise again. Thus, from those central stations, the Communist system of the Red Line was born. Suddenly, the entire Line was swallowed up in the fires of Marxist Revolution. Although the Communist Red Line might seem like a fine Communist State, this thought is entirely misgiven- They are a society as rich and advanced as that of Hansa, and they use that to create weapons of war, engineering supersoldiers and armored vehicles, crafting Bio-weapons and spending much of their money on Military, attempting to raise an army that will plunge the Metro into a state of total war and finaly give their faction control of the Metro.


Moscow's Nazis and Fascists. The Fourth Reich developed in a way different from that which developed the Red Line and Hanza. Instead, the Fourth Reich was born as a concerted effort of Russian Neo-Nazi's who opted to find a refuge from all the Mutants and non-russians that were populating the Metro. The Reich is a largely military power bent on clearing away the genetically impure, mutated, and mentally disabled "scum" of the metro... and one day, the Earth. The Reich is known as a strong enough Military Power with a crazy enough Dogma, but other things to note is how low the local morale is, and how violent soldiers are to eachother- and how the local, non-military groups in the Nazi Stations are driven not by racism, but a need to protect their children and families from the real mutants.

Religious Factions-


Formed from Jehovah's Witnesses operating in Russia, the Watchtower was created as a bastion of faith in the cruel world of the Metro. One of the most interesting factors about the Watchtower would be the beliefs of the people there- firstly, they believe that the Apocalypse has already came and that the people in the Metro are not sinners but are actually in heaven. They reason that simply because they survived. Using that as fact, they generally march around stations and ruins, preaching their faith in Jehovah god and trying to get converts so that the evils that started World War 3 never happen again. Although they are a helpful and generally peaceful faction, most stations think of them as little more than brainwashed sheep.


Many of the Satanists began as Christians, Nationalists, and Anarchists who spent their time in the Metro understanding the simple fact that their lives were destroyed and darker times were on the Horizon. After this, they fled to the farthest and deepest stations in the whole Metro and began digging hellpits and taking slaves, figuring that god had tossed them aside and sent them to hell, but simply threw mankind too lightly before dying. The Satanists now desire to claw their way into the bowels of hell and serve Satan, the only shephard who remains to guide them. The Satanists are as well-armed and skilled as any other faction, though their slave-taking and pit-building is plainly horrifying to all other factions.

Great Worm Cult

The Great Worm Cult emerged shortly after the dissestablishment of the Central Metro Command. Parents and respected mechanics had figured that, in order to keep the events of the war from repeating, they would craft their own story on how the Metro was formed. As the story goes, a great worm had carved the massive caverns of the Metro as his home, and then left. Shortly after his abandonment, the third world war happened and drove mankind underground. Shamans, who could feel the presence of the worm, were elected as the leaders of the faction, and the whole nation began building the tunnels deeper in an attempt to extend what the worm started. To keep another great war from occuring, the Shamans began stealing citizens from other stations and feeding on the flesh of other Metro Dwellers. It is unknown if they speak Russian, English, Polish, or any language at all. They are very warlike with thier Neighbours, and the laughing of children is always heard near their station.



Polis is the Heartland of the Moscow Metro. Sitting almost near the center, close to the intersection of three great political factions, owning four massive and strategically important stations and with the highest population density of any single faction, laying right under many important monuments and sights, Polis has became the shining jewel of the Metro. In Polis, people wear clothes, Washers and Dryers run, Furniture is manufactured, Theaters and shows perform, Televisions and Computers still work, medicine is always in good supply and scientists are always well at work trying to find some way to get back to the surface. Polis also sports a good army, owning not just the Kshatriya, but one of the most well-known Military factions in the Metro

The Spartan Order

The Military Counterpart to Polis, the Spartan Order, is well known for its skill in combat and their generally well-known operations. The Spartan Order is hailed by most Factions as some sort of neutral power, they are known as allies of Polis but never seem to be around Polis outside of the Council's political talks. They are sometimes witnessed on the surface but typically only on small missions, and with only a few troopers going to small bases. They can even be seen defending stations and clearing out battlefields, but this is not common. The Spartan order is a skilled and powerful group, but being such a small and unique unit, there are many situations in which their leadership has fractured and even been the victim of espionage, as was the case with communist agent Lesnitsky.

-Technical Factions

Emerald City

The University Stations, also known as Emerald City, are one of the most intriguing and unknown factions of the Metro. When the Red Line eclipsed their Line and then made their march on Leninskiye Gory, they had found that that entire station was wiped off the map, and that in the distance, away from the winter but in a fine tundra, near an almost perfectly fine University, the entrances to University would be discovered. The University, However, was never explored by any Red and simply left to the imagination. Wondrous theories now enter the mind of Metro's denizens- What if the Emerald City is abandoned? What if they have a village on the surface? What if, in those stations that lay under the great Muscovite university, sits the last fortresses of the CMC? The Emerald City is a land of Mystery, far away from the Warring States of the Metro, and anyone who dares to go that far south may discover quite a few things from Moscow's unsunk Atlantis- If it even exists.

Baumansky Alliance

Playing themselves off as an elite City State of technological type, the rulers of Baumansky control a Technocracy that has the only single goal of refurbishing pre-war tech and developing new technologies. The Baumansky Alliance refurbishes and recreates many of the things found in the Metro, including filters, generators, carts, and weapons. The Baumansky Alliance, despite all its technical advancement, is also the sight of an atrocious government filled with rather Xenophobic governors, with a hidden political agenda. What if Baumansky is stockpiling resources for someone besides Hansa?


The story of Sevastapolskaya is the story of a brave Station that fights agaisnt all odds for its survival. The Station of Sevastapolskaya is the sight of a great military Fortress, and it is also the sight of a very important Electric Generator that powers 3/5's of the Metro. One would think Sevastapolskaya would be a great place to own, until one realizes that it is literally in the middle of nowhere. There are no Inhabiteded stations near it, no farmyards or weapons foundries. A shortness of Ammunition, Food, and Water Characterise one of the most heavily armed and powerful stations in the whole metro.

Emerging Factions-


Huliaipole Republic

Children of the Underground

Organized Bandits

Mercantile Factions-

1905 Confederacy

Belorousskaya Trade Outpost


Arbat Confederacy

Other Factions-

Dark Ones



Central Metro Command
All Discussions > Metro Forums > Topic Details
Date Posted: Jan 22, 2016 @ 1:35am
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