Steam Greenlight
Revex 7/mai./2017 às 22:27
Lost Odyssey
Lost Odyssey was originally around on XBox 360, made by the wonderful minds who brought us the original Final Fantasy series (1 - 10) before Square Enix took over. A group from Squaresoft went off on their own and gave us this remarkable title for XBox. I'm just wondering if they could convert the 360 title into a PC version, and release it here on Steam...
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Skoardy 8/mai./2017 às 4:49 
Click the 'About Greenlight' tab and read the entry headed 'I know of a game that should be on here? What do I do?'.
Revex 8/mai./2017 às 5:20 
From the 'About Greenlight' tab, click 'Discussions'. Then click 'Request A Game' and then 'Start A New Discussion'. Include your game name in the title and then underneath make a comment or post about what you want on Steam and why. Don't post games up that have already been suggested in the 'Discussions' of 'Request A Game' section. If someone has already made your suggestion go and comment on it there. I hope this helps you...
Skoardy 8/mai./2017 às 5:27 
Escrito originalmente por ZNoD Revex:
I hope this helps you...
I guess it depends what you want. If you want a game on Steam, that wouldn't help anyone in the slightest.
Revex 8/mai./2017 às 5:36 
It will because this is the starting point to get games up on Greenlight and then onto Steam, there is no other way unless you have rights to the game or have donated $100 USD to put your game up. I need more support on this and I can contact the developers of Lost Odyssey and enquire about it. I don't know too much about if Lost Odyssey is already on its way to Steam or not, I need to investigate and ask further about this...
Revex 8/mai./2017 às 5:36 
And garner more support
Skoardy 8/mai./2017 às 6:03 
Well, there's a whole pile of similar threads from similar wrong-thinking individuals created since the forum started that would tend to disprove your view on the matter but hey, you go for it. I'm sure this will be the turning point.
wilco64256 8/mai./2017 às 6:40 
Escrito originalmente por ZNoD Revex:
this is the starting point to get games up on Greenlight and then onto Steam

No, it definitely isn't. Even the Valve employee who created this sad little sub-forum openly states in the sticky thread here that posting here is pointless and accomplishes nothing.
Escrito originalmente por ZNoD Revex:
It will because this is the starting point to get games up on Greenlight and then onto Steam,
Nope. Read the forum, this exact same discussion happens all the time, and things don't actually change. Been that way for years. This is the actual answer, which you'd have noted if you read the section referenced in the first response.

I know of a game that should be on here? What do I do?
Go contact the game developer and suggest that they submit their game for consideration.

[it]That[/i] is the starting point.

Escrito originalmente por ZNoD Revex:
there is no other way unless you have rights to the game or have donated $100 USD to put your game up

Exactly. That is the only way. Only the already big companies/games get a pass.

Escrito originalmente por ZNoD Revex:
I need to investigate and ask further about this...

Indeed. The average population of this forum, however, consists mostly of the current posters in this thread. Beyond that is a few posts of support that come between the span a week or 3 years.
Revex 8/mai./2017 às 7:58 
Yeah guys, thanks for all input here. I will say that before you two posted these replies I read up more on the 'About Greenlight' tab and read the entry headed 'I know of a game that should be on here? What do I do?' and discovered the shortcut on what needs to be done, originally posted by Skoardy.
I'm currently posting directly to Microsoft on what I wish will happen and I realize my chances of getting this game onto PC at all are dire, considering Microsoft will mostly likely lose money if they go ahead with the project, having lost out already with Lost Odyssey's weak console sales. Sales on PC will be even worse, console sales trump PC sales by about 4:1. I just hope that with time Lost Odyssey may gain more interest and popularity and make a new name for itself here on Steam or in retail or on Games for Windows, it's okay for a man to dream... even if his dream is fading fast.
I will reply back here when I get some sort of response from Microsoft and its new developer or from Microsoft and Mistwalker/Feelplus... peace I'll get back to you all soon, please go easy on me in this thread as I am brand new to Greenlight/still learning and trying for something way out of anyone's reach, I'm not holding my breath for this game just humbly and direly hopeful. Talk soon guys...
Revex 8/mai./2017 às 8:40 
I would also like to state that after this opens up, I am going to go back to Greenlight and read up on what to do more and then vote up some indie games to help us all out more. I wanna get behind the indie developers as well as the giants, the possibilities are endless and there are always great new titles to get behind and support for release. I'm here for that as well, love indie games also :mylove:
Skoardy 8/mai./2017 às 8:58 
If you're intending to buy those games you vote for, then great. That's the whole point. Otherwise, you'll just be someone misusing Greenlight and holding back games that actually deserve to be on Steam.
Revex 8/mai./2017 às 10:35 
Yeah I know Skoardy, I'm only going to vote for items that I want to get into the store, discuss, plus one them and then buy them of course. I wouldn't be on Greenlight otherwise, I don't want to waste developers' time or money. Anything that catches my eye will be rated up, discussed positively and bought immediately once available on Steam.
The point here is to gather support or negative feedback regarding Lost Odyssey so it may become available on Steam. Now that I've posted to Microsoft and their old/new developers I want to see where all this is headed. So what do you three gamers reckon? Did you like Lost Odyssey? Do you want it on Steam? I guess I will have to wait for a reply from Microsoft and their respective developers to know if this gets started, I would love your opinions on the matter as well. A good or bad idea about a future release/game?
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