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STONERCAT Aug 31, 2015 @ 8:57pm
So I logged on not having been on in a few days, and one of my friends from Russia randomly sent me a gift game called Robotex. When I tried to add it to my library it says there are restrictions because of the price difference in that country so I can understand that people could rip off steam and make their own profit from doing that. In that case I DID NOT ask him to buy it for me due to cheaper price in his country,he just gifted it to me randomly. This is very unfair that I cannot play this game for this reason. So now i am wondering if i send this game to someone who is in the same country as me , Witch is Murica !! as a gift , will they be able to play it or will the restriction still be there just because it was purchased in that country.?
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Seretti Aug 31, 2015 @ 8:59pm 
It is restricted to certain countries and that won't change.
Games cannot be gifted from certain regions to others, and these regions include parts of Latin America, eastern Europe, southeast Asia, and probably a few others. I don't remember exactly. The reason for this is because games are cheaper in those regions.

This is pretty bullcrap, if you ask me, but I can see why they'd do it.

FYI some retailers, such as GOG, have a policy of giving everyone the same price. However, this usually means going with the (relatively higher) USA price.
STONERCAT Aug 31, 2015 @ 9:53pm 
yea it is bullcrapish because now i have a game for free that i cannot play , guess i gots to give it back :/
Silicon Vampire Aug 31, 2015 @ 10:16pm 
these restrictions are put in place by the publishers of those titles.
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Date Posted: Aug 31, 2015 @ 8:57pm
Posts: 4