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DoBBbE Nov 26, 2018 @ 2:59pm
How do you connect Steam to discord?
cause i don't know how
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
RichCaTs Nov 26, 2018 @ 3:06pm 
click user settings on discord and click connections
Click your profile above (in your discord profile no steam), and click Connected accounts, you must connect at least Discord and Steam to be able to connect to the game server.
Also do note that certain applications are not visible until you connect Steam and Discord
Last edited by らノ几凵什モ; Nov 26, 2018 @ 3:30pm
insegur Apr 18, 2019 @ 3:43pm 
if you do these actions, can someone find your discord name through steam?
homer28100 Aug 8, 2019 @ 6:00am 
Bonjour j'ai un souci quand je veut faire la connexion discord a steam sa me met erreur de la connexion quelqu'un a t il une solution.
Llum Sep 8, 2019 @ 8:03am 
Hello I have a problem when I want to make the discord connection to steam it puts me wrong connection someone has there a solution
Llum Sep 8, 2019 @ 8:03am 
I translated dat french
Ralsei456 Sep 26, 2020 @ 5:34am 
If we do this, can we go to discord using steam?
Hyper_Ent May 30, 2021 @ 6:33pm 
I just wanna know where on steam to go to connect it to discord
cSg|mc-Hotsauce May 30, 2021 @ 6:59pm 
Originally posted by Hyper_Ent:
I just wanna know where on steam to go to connect it to discord

Steam does not have such a function.

You don't connect it from Steam. You do it from Discord.

Zunky Sep 23, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
i click on steam when in connections and nothing happens
Dieter Sep 23, 2023 @ 4:20pm 
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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Date Posted: Nov 26, 2018 @ 2:59pm
Posts: 15