freudxxx Oct 10, 2018 @ 5:12am
Can your computer get hacked by someone while playing online multiplayer?
I had a friend irl claim that his computer got hacked by someone while playing an online multiplayer game on Steam. I don't recall what game he was playing, but it might have been Counter Strike: Global Offense.

So let me repeat my question...can your computer get hacked while playing online multiplayer games like cs:go?
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
LowJack_VA1 Oct 10, 2018 @ 5:31am 
That was a coincidence. You can't be hijacked simply by playing online games with someone.

Edit: unless you give them your account info.
Last edited by LowJack_VA1; Oct 10, 2018 @ 5:32am
freudxxx Oct 10, 2018 @ 6:32am 
Originally posted by LowJack_VA1:
That was a coincidence. You can't be hijacked simply by playing online games with someone.

Edit: unless you give them your account info.
Good point. Thanks for answering my question.
chopper Oct 10, 2018 @ 6:41am 
If server have any kind of virus program, than I don't know.
freudxxx Oct 10, 2018 @ 6:51am 
Originally posted by CHOPPER:
If server have any kind of virus program, than I don't know.
How,do you know if the server has virus programs?
bRUNO Oct 10, 2018 @ 1:50pm 
Getting hacked while playing online video games it's something almost impossible especially in popular games.
The only way they can get private information about your account is if you give it to them.
Other online things like your IP is controlled by the game and the server you are playing.
So for example if you're playing in a community server the owner of that server can access your IP, even though he cannot do that much with it except for blocking you from playing in their servers.
Don't worry about getting your account stolen. Play with Security and Nothing will happen. Don't share any private information with people you don't know / Trust Nor playing in unofficiall server you don't trust.
Play safe!
Last edited by bRUNO; Oct 10, 2018 @ 1:51pm
CJ HUNTER Oct 10, 2018 @ 3:08pm 
It is possible if you get invited into a shady CS:GO lobby and they join a private server and you have "cl_allowdownload 1" and it downloads malware into your computer and then somebody tricks you into installing it.

It's not quite hacking, it's more like scamming because you must be the one that installs the malware, but it can be downloaded into your PC just by joining a CS:GO server that forces you to download it.
freudxxx Oct 11, 2018 @ 1:50pm 
Originally posted by CJ HUNTER:
It is possible if you get invited into a shady CS:GO lobby and they join a private server and you have "cl_allowdownload 1" and it downloads malware into your computer and then somebody tricks you into installing it.

It's not quite hacking, it's more like scamming because you must be the one that installs the malware, but it can be downloaded into your PC just by joining a CS:GO server that forces you to download it.
How do you know if a particular lobby is shady?
jadedcrusader Oct 11, 2018 @ 2:05pm 
you DO know that if they know your IP adress, they can try to access (hack) your computer REGARDLESS of what you are doing ( unless the computer is off); if they know the IP then all they have to do is find a way into the software.
It is the same argument I would get from others, " I havn't been on ANY shady site, so I can't get a virus!" but you can get a virus from any page, be it a government secure site, down to, and to the "other" sites no one goes to...
Cornflakes Oct 11, 2018 @ 2:31pm 
if you get a virus in game i suppose
freudxxx Oct 11, 2018 @ 3:09pm 
Originally posted by jadedcrusader:
you DO know that if they know your IP adress, they can try to access (hack) your computer REGARDLESS of what you are doing ( unless the computer is off); if they know the IP then all they have to do is find a way into the software.
It is the same argument I would get from others, " I havn't been on ANY shady site, so I can't get a virus!" but you can get a virus from any page, be it a government secure site, down to, and to the "other" sites no one goes to...
If you are using Windows, that makes you especially vulnerable to viruses and hacking. I only use Windows 10 for gaming, PC gaming that is, and never browse any sites on my gaming PC. And I always disconnect my computer from the Internet while playing PC games (all the games I play are single player, so I don't need an Internet connection to play them). And I've been doing this ever since I heard one of my irl friends tell me irl that his computer got hacked while playing an online multiplayer game (if I recall correctly, it was cs:go ). I only use my iPad and smartphone for browsing the Internet, and ironically Windows is the most vulnerable to viruses and hackers despite being most dependent on anti virus software. This anti virus which does not even work most of the time.

Call me paranoid, but I guess I am justified in being this paranoid. Coz I don't wanna get hacked, or I want to minimize the chances of me getting hacked.
bRUNO Oct 12, 2018 @ 9:01am 
How the ♥♥♥♥ can you be hacked while accessing trusted websites of big companies.
CJ HUNTER Oct 12, 2018 @ 12:29pm 
Originally posted by Bruwitz:
How the ♥♥♥♥ can you be hacked while accessing trusted websites of big companies.

By joining not trusted CS:GO servers that download malware to your computer. Or joining a random lobby where the leader gladly takes you to the server and then tells you how to install it also. I have seen people falling for this on these forums.
freudxxx Nov 11, 2018 @ 12:01pm 
Originally posted by CJ HUNTER:
Originally posted by Bruwitz:
How the ♥♥♥♥ can you be hacked while accessing trusted websites of big companies.

By joining not trusted CS:GO servers that download malware to your computer. Or joining a random lobby where the leader gladly takes you to the server and then tells you how to install it also. I have seen people falling for this on these forums.
How do you know the server you are connecting to for cs:go is a safe server? How do you know which cs:go servers are to be trusted or not?
bRUNO Nov 11, 2018 @ 12:05pm 
In that case, cancel your internet service and keep off of this world if you don´t trust things here.

Everything is dangerous in this world, you just have to be smart to avoid them...

Don`t leave you house, you can not trust other people. You never know when someone can shoot you. (it´s the same principle you guys are talking).
Korruptor Oct 17, 2019 @ 11:06pm 
Ive had my Keyboard hijacked the last 2 days while playing Team Fortress 2 nothing else happens to my computer just my keyboard goes haywire i disable internet etc and wait then it goes away then does not come back i cant explain it. Basically someone just has remote access to my keyboard for a short period of time.Since I have never had issues before i dont understand what caused it. i check my Netstat processes etc and nothing so if anyone else has had something like this happen I would love to discuss. Also any comments or suggestions welcome.
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Date Posted: Oct 10, 2018 @ 5:12am
Posts: 28