How to programmatically open a web site inside a game using Steam overlay browser?
I want to programmatically open a web site page inside a game. E.g. open this url
in Steam browser which is shown directly in game.

How do I do it? What function does it?
Автор останньої редакції: Dmitriy; 9 груд. 2012 о 7:29
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Показані коментарі 12 із 2
Found solution by myself, the function needed is:

virtual void ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage( const char *pchURL ) = 0;
in class ISteamFriends

See an example:
CUIGameData::Get()->ExecuteOverlayCommand( "LobbyInvite" );

in Alien Swarm code
I'm not a source developper, but in common, you can use Awesomium SDK to create a in game webpage.BTW, if source dont have enough sdk doc, Awesomium is better choice.
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