Prime95 Stress test temps
So during my 15 minute of testing my temps ranged from 60c-85c and it has all passed, but is 85c to high? Is the test suppose to be like this? Does this temp lower my cpu life i5 9600k
Last edited by ✪Rich&Nuts; Jun 8, 2019 @ 5:34pm
Originally posted by Cloudy:
Nope it's fine, running all cores at short in Prime95 is extremely aggressive, depending on your CPU cooler 85°C sounds normal. And no that is still within safe temperature, although hot it is okay as long as you aren't passing 95°... but you wouldn't want to keep it running that hot for an extended time, since even one fan failing could be enough for it to overheat.
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Cloudy Jun 8, 2019 @ 5:52pm 
Nope it's fine, running all cores at short in Prime95 is extremely aggressive, depending on your CPU cooler 85°C sounds normal. And no that is still within safe temperature, although hot it is okay as long as you aren't passing 95°... but you wouldn't want to keep it running that hot for an extended time, since even one fan failing could be enough for it to overheat.
Last edited by Cloudy; Jun 8, 2019 @ 5:53pm
✪Rich&Nuts Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:03pm 
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Nope it's fine, running all cores at short in Prime95 is extremely aggressive, depending on your CPU cooler 85°C sounds normal. And no that is still within safe temperature, although hot it is okay as long as you aren't passing 95°... but you wouldn't want to keep it running that hot for an extended time, since even one fan failing could be enough for it to overheat.
Okay that sounds good, I guess that means my CPU is doing well. Currently I am running it at 4.8ghz with auto voltage and a Be Quiet! Pure Rock cooler
Cloudy Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:08pm 
Originally posted by ✪Rich&Nuts:
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Nope it's fine, running all cores at short in Prime95 is extremely aggressive, depending on your CPU cooler 85°C sounds normal. And no that is still within safe temperature, although hot it is okay as long as you aren't passing 95°... but you wouldn't want to keep it running that hot for an extended time, since even one fan failing could be enough for it to overheat.
Okay that sounds good, I guess that means my CPU is doing well. Currently I am running it at 4.8ghz with auto voltage and a Be Quiet! Pure Rock cooler
Right on, seems good! With some tweaking in the BIOS I'm sure you could get 5.0GHz with a AVX offset of 1... but maybe it isn't worth the trial and error for the small improvement. Either way, nothing is wrong with that setup.
Last edited by Cloudy; Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:11pm
✪Rich&Nuts Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:12pm 
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Originally posted by ✪Rich&Nuts:
Okay that sounds good, I guess that means my CPU is doing well. Currently I am running it at 4.8ghz with auto voltage and a Be Quiet! Pure Rock cooler
Right on, seems good! With some tweaking in the BIOS I'm sure you could atleast get 5.0GHz with a AVX offset of 1... but maybe it isn't worth the trial and error for the small improvement. Either way, nothing is wrong with that setup.
Awesome, but I am a timid overclocker I don't want to destroy my cpu, and based on your thoughts do you think I can get it to 4.9ghz at auto voltage with the same temperature that I have now? I am sort of worried of touching the voltage controller lol
Cloudy Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:19pm 
Originally posted by ✪Rich&Nuts:
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Right on, seems good! With some tweaking in the BIOS I'm sure you could atleast get 5.0GHz with a AVX offset of 1... but maybe it isn't worth the trial and error for the small improvement. Either way, nothing is wrong with that setup.
Awesome, but I am a timid overclocker I don't want to destroy my cpu, and based on your thoughts do you think I can get it to 4.9ghz at auto voltage with the same temperature that I have now? I am sort of worried of touching the voltage controller lol
Typically "auto overclocking" over volt to help guarantee it will stay stable. Unfortunately it will likely be too hot trying to set 4.9GHz but it's worth a shot maybe... (Even if it's too hot while testing if you stop the test fast it likely won't damage anything)

I wish I was there in person to help teach you about manual overclocking. It's a lot to type out tips and I'm busy at the moment. Basically there is more to overclocking then just core clock speed and core voltage, there are other settings you can adjust to help make the overclock stay stable besides just upping the whole core voltage.
Last edited by Cloudy; Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:24pm
✪Rich&Nuts Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:24pm 
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Originally posted by ✪Rich&Nuts:
Awesome, but I am a timid overclocker I don't want to destroy my cpu, and based on your thoughts do you think I can get it to 4.9ghz at auto voltage with the same temperature that I have now? I am sort of worried of touching the voltage controller lol
Typically "auto overclocking" typically over volt to help guarantee it will stay stable. Unfortunately it will likely be too hot trying to set 4.9GHz but it's worth a shot maybe... (Even if it's too hot while testing if you stop the test fast it likely won't damage anything)

I wish I was there in person to help teach you how manual overclocking. It's a lot to type out tips and I'm busy at the moment.
Ah I see, but I heard that if it is in manual it will be stuck at that voltage and won't down clock during idle? If I put a specific volt like 1.2 or 1.3 is there a way for the CPU to down clock when it not being used? Yo thank for your tips it helps a lot dude, I don't need an immediate response take your time.
Cloudy Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:46pm 
Originally posted by ✪Rich&Nuts:
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Typically "auto overclocking" typically over volt to help guarantee it will stay stable. Unfortunately it will likely be too hot trying to set 4.9GHz but it's worth a shot maybe... (Even if it's too hot while testing if you stop the test fast it likely won't damage anything)

I wish I was there in person to help teach you how manual overclocking. It's a lot to type out tips and I'm busy at the moment.
Ah I see, but I heard that if it is in manual it will be stuck at that voltage and won't down clock during idle. If I put a specific volt like 1.2 or 1.3 is there a way for the CPU to down clock when it not being used?
That is true depending on the method of overclocking but the amount of extra power you would use is minimal and shouldn't be worried about. And about the life span of the CPU it would be fine, it will be obsolete well before it degrades in strength.
Last edited by Cloudy; Jun 9, 2019 @ 12:46am
Cloudy Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:55pm 
Here is a great guild to follow for your 9600K. The layout of your BIOS will be slightly different since you have a MSI motherboard but the same rules apply. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and some will disagree with this method but it works well for 8th and 9th gen Intel CPUs. A famous professional overclocker called der8auer goes by this method too for these CPUs.

Make sure to update your BIOS first though and best of luck, if all fails you can always go back to your original auto-volt overclock.
✪Rich&Nuts Jun 8, 2019 @ 6:57pm 
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Here is a great guild to follow for your 9600K. The layout of your BIOS will be slightly different since you have a MSI motherboard but the same rules apply. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and some will disagree with this method but it works well for 8th and 9th gen Intel CPUs. A famous professional overclocker called der8auer goes by this method too for these CPUs.

Make sure to update your BIOS first though and best of luck, if all fails you can always go back to your original auto-volt overclock.
Yo thanks this will help a lot!
NathaN Jun 9, 2019 @ 12:28am 
Originally posted by Cloudy Canadian:
Originally posted by ✪Rich&Nuts:
Ah I see, but I heard that if it is in manual it will be stuck at that voltage and won't down clock during idle. If I put a specific volt like 1.2 or 1.3 is there a way for the CPU to down clock when it not being used?
That is true but the amount of extra power you would use is minimal and shouldn't be worried about. And about the life span of the CPU it would be fine, it will be obsolete well before it degrades in strength.
Thats not true at all. You can manually set your overclock and still use variable voltage and clocks. My 3570k is at 4.8ghz and drops down in voltage and core speed to 1.6 when idling
Last edited by NathaN; Jun 9, 2019 @ 12:29am
Overseer Jun 9, 2019 @ 1:18am 
Keep in mind that 15 minutes does not say much about the system. Also when you add load to the graphics card you might go over 90°C quickly.
Not that a game should ever stress the CPU 100% but external factors will impact its temperature.

Run prime95 for at least 2 hours to get a better idea. Also run some games to get data on normal use cases including GPU/RAM/Chipset.

Concerning CPU life - and given that CPUs operate at different voltage states - its more about the average thats hitting it. Basically any operation does wear it down (no it will not last forever). But once you go over the average through intense stress (load/voltage/heat) for a long time it will degrade faster. At which rate and what the average is is a question for professional engineers.

This here can help to understand it better:
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Date Posted: Jun 8, 2019 @ 5:34pm
Posts: 11