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viee Jan 11, 2015 @ 8:19pm
Steam is running, but not showing on screen
Hey guys, I'm on Windows 8 and for some reason, whenever I click the steam icon, it runs but it does not display on the screen. Can you help me please?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Triple Jan 11, 2015 @ 8:25pm 
Open up Task Manager.
Find Steam.exe.
Right click on it and "End Process".
Re launch Steam.

Edit: I think your game window might not be on your monitor, perhaps you dragged it off to the side of the screen?
Last edited by Triple; Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:12pm
Satoru Jan 11, 2015 @ 8:31pm 
can you alt-tab it?
viee Jan 11, 2015 @ 8:39pm 
That doesn't help and i cant alt-tab it in
Last edited by viee; Jan 11, 2015 @ 8:41pm
:3 Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:07pm 
Originally posted by ɹǝlƃᴉԀ ɹᴉS:
Hey guys, I'm on Windows 8 and for some reason, whenever I click the steam icon, it runs but it does not display on the screen. Can you help me please?
Steam is getting stuck initializing and is not getting to the point where it will draw. What are your computer specs, and what programs do you have running in the background?
viee Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:10pm 
so will i have to end some task running it background? And I have pretty poor specs for a gaming PC but the ram is 8gb.
Last edited by viee; Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:10pm
viee Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:14pm 
also i forgot to mention that when it first opens it shows the friends and what they are doing and such like playing a game and chatting and when i hover over the steam icon the the tab it shows my steam games
:3 Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:15pm 
Originally posted by ɹǝlƃᴉԀ ɹᴉS:
so will i have to end some task running it background? And I have pretty poor specs for a gaming PC but the ram is 8gb.
Steam should not have an issue finding space with 8 GB of ram so it is more likely it is getting blocked by some firewall, what are you using for security?
:3 Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:16pm 
Originally posted by ɹǝlƃᴉԀ ɹᴉS:
also i forgot to mention that when it first opens it shows the friends and what they are doing and such like playing a game and chatting and when i hover over the steam icon the the tab it shows my steam games
Intresting so what your saying is steam is indeed open and you can view it on the task bar but when you select it as your active window it does not show up?
viee Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:31pm 
yeah, i dont what know happened
Last edited by viee; Jan 11, 2015 @ 10:31pm
viee Jan 12, 2015 @ 12:58am 
oh i got it fixed, it was just off screen, lol. But thanks for you help:balloonicorn:
what you neeed to do is delete steam, delete all of your games and pray to gaben every day and buy all of valve games on the gaben website and then reinstal steam and it will work if you prayed to gaben EVERY DAY
viee Jan 12, 2015 @ 4:05pm 
yeah! But he is wizard not boomer! (i have no idea where that came from XD)
Originally posted by Triple:
Open up Task Manager.
Find Steam.exe.
Right click on it and "End Process".
Re launch Steam.

Edit: I think your game window might not be on your monitor, perhaps you dragged it off to the side of the screen?

Thanks you so much man, what a dumb problem XD
Doodlebob Dec 7, 2015 @ 11:29pm 
Tried every solution/fix out there. Eventually fixed it by just snapping a separate window to the side and choosing Steam window to juxtapose it.....Yup.
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Date Posted: Jan 11, 2015 @ 8:19pm
Posts: 14