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Timi Mar 13, 2016 @ 1:52pm
How do I remove games from recently played section?
I came across many profiles that have some hours on record and multiple games on the account but have an empty played section. I think it looks cool :P

Here is a screenshot of what I mean:

Edit: found the method. works well

Edit2: steam is trying to patch these methods, the one i posted above no longer works. I would advice you not to run any batch files you find online as they may be malicious. steam recently added more privacy settings so I would suggest using that to hide your games.
Last edited by Timi; Apr 11, 2018 @ 1:23pm
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Showing 1-15 of 33 comments
FFL2and3rocks Mar 13, 2016 @ 1:55pm 
Some demos and tools don't appear in Recent Activity at all, but still take up one of the three slots. I can't specifically remember which ones those are, though. :Furrowed: Maybe you can see them if you click on their Games list and see the Recently Played section there.
Last edited by FFL2and3rocks; Mar 13, 2016 @ 1:55pm
Timi Mar 13, 2016 @ 1:56pm 
Originally posted by FFL2and3rocks:
Some demos and tools don't appear in Recent Activity at all, but still take up one of the three slots. I can't specifically remember which ones those are, though. :Furrowed: Maybe you can see them if you click on their Games list and see the Recently Played section there.

aha this seems like it might work thanks
Olv4 Oct 24, 2016 @ 12:01am 
Why would people want to clear out their profiles? It seams to be a trend for some reason
iDartmoors May 31, 2017 @ 12:44am 
Originally posted by S w i f t:
Why would people want to clear out their profiles? It seams to be a trend for some reason

Say you play a really embarrassing game and you don't want anyone to know.
Kickin' Chicken May 31, 2017 @ 5:34am 
Originally posted by iDartmoors:
Originally posted by S w i f t:
Why would people want to clear out their profiles? It seams to be a trend for some reason

Say you play a really embarrassing game and you don't want anyone to know.

How can a game be "embarrassing"? Why would you care what anybody thinks about what games you play?
iDartmoors Jun 15, 2017 @ 12:36pm 
Originally posted by Kickin' Chicken:
Originally posted by iDartmoors:

Say you play a really embarrassing game and you don't want anyone to know.

How can a game be "embarrassing"? Why would you care what anybody thinks about what games you play?

My friend got me a game called 'Nekopara' I played it because I didn't know what it was, after I realized, I deleted it and wanted it hidden from my recently played tab.
cSg|mc-Hotsauce Jun 15, 2017 @ 12:40pm 
play more games and it will bump it off the list.

Kickin' Chicken Jun 15, 2017 @ 2:38pm 
Originally posted by iDartmoors:
Originally posted by Kickin' Chicken:

How can a game be "embarrassing"? Why would you care what anybody thinks about what games you play?

My friend got me a game called 'Nekopara' I played it because I didn't know what it was, after I realized, I deleted it and wanted it hidden from my recently played tab.

Understood, say no more!
Schattencheg Oct 31, 2017 @ 5:19am 
Originally posted by S w i f t:
Why would people want to clear out their profiles? It seams to be a trend for some reason
For example i have 1k+ games, sometimes i want open my recently played games section and select one, but stupid steam interface scrolls down list to 6-8 month. I don't get why, but if they cant fix this let me clean this section tho
flore Apr 3, 2018 @ 1:57pm 
Originally posted by jimpann:
@echo off
color 2
echo ---------------------------------------------------

echo -------- - Hide Recent Games (Version 2) - --------
echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo ------- - Made by Homer3000 and Weedlove - ------
echo ------- - Thanks to tundra and noskillch - ------

rem For help visit the guide on Steam Community page
rem ""

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 1/7
echo Changing to offline mode in friendslist...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
start steam://friends/status/offline
ping -n 3 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 2/7
echo Opening first video...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
start steam://run/413851
ping -n 5 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 3/7
echo Opening second video...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
start steam://run/413857
ping -n 5 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 4/7
echo Opening third video...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
start steam://run/413859
ping -n 5 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 5/7
echo Opening fourth video...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
start steam://run/413856
ping -n 7 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 6/7
echo Killing Steam and video processes...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
ping -n 1 >nul 2>&1
taskkill.exe /F /IM Steam.exe
ping -n 1 >nul 2>&1
taskkill.exe /F /IM html5app_steam.exe
ping -n 3 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Step 7/7
echo Restarting Steam...
echo ---------------------------------------------------
ping -n 1 >nul 2>&1
start steam://url/SteamIDMyProfile
ping -n 5 >nul 2>&1
echo ...

echo ---------------------------------------------------
echo Please verfiy that the history has been cleared.
echo If not, please restart the batch file.

save this into .bat file then launch it. this will remove all resent game activity on your steam profile page.
thanks bro
TE5LA Oct 13, 2018 @ 10:34am 
What I hate is that games you've never played or installed are added to the list, pushing the real ones off. This is the case when you activate a Steam key but don't install the game. It is still added to the list. This should be corrected.
southernerer Oct 13, 2018 @ 10:38am 
WHA Abou your bech
BlazingRoman Jan 28, 2019 @ 10:49am 
I don't believe they can be removed manually. They might go away on their own if i'm not mistaken.
nightmarr Jan 28, 2019 @ 11:04am 
Just don't play any hentai games and you should be fine.
cSg|mc-Hotsauce Jan 28, 2019 @ 11:05am 
Easier to use the privacy feature (added loooong after this thread was created) to hide your "Games Details" from public view.

Last edited by cSg|mc-Hotsauce; Jan 28, 2019 @ 11:06am
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Date Posted: Mar 13, 2016 @ 1:52pm
Posts: 33