fadeloh Aug 3, 2023 @ 2:34pm
Steam keeps running in task manager even after closing
For years, I've noticed anytime I open task manager (for unrelated reasons), Steam will be running, even though I'd closed out of the app (Windows). Turns out that Alt-F4 or hitting the "x" in the corner does not close steam. You have to click the top left "Steam" button and hit Exit in order to actually close the program. Is there some kind of keyboard shortcut to do so?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Large Tomatoes Aug 3, 2023 @ 3:16pm 
I'm unsure of a keyboard shortcut, I cannot see an option to force a full shutdown when closed either. In my opinion the latter should be given as an option, much like you get in Slack and the such, by default it will close the UI but keep the service running, checking the option closes the service when the UI is closed.

As for the reason, I think they do this so that updates/downloads can continue when the UI is closed.
Joke Aug 3, 2023 @ 3:46pm 
When steam is running, but not visible on screen, it's available in the "System Tray".
(the small "up-arrow" at the right of the windows toolbar)

Since I let Steam start when windows starts, that is where I start Steam from if I want to use it.
Large Tomatoes Aug 3, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
Originally posted by Joke:
When steam is running, but not visible on screen, it's available in the "System Tray".
(the small "up-arrow" at the right of the windows toolbar)

Since I let Steam start when windows starts, that is where I start Steam from if I want to use it.

That wasn't the question.
VindictivePrune Jan 6, 2024 @ 5:11pm 
Originally posted by Large Tomatoes:
Originally posted by Joke:
When steam is running, but not visible on screen, it's available in the "System Tray".
(the small "up-arrow" at the right of the windows toolbar)

Since I let Steam start when windows starts, that is where I start Steam from if I want to use it.

That wasn't the question.

close it in this tray area and it should stop it from running in the background
Large Tomatoes Jan 7, 2024 @ 9:48am 
Originally posted by VindictivePrune:
Originally posted by Large Tomatoes:

That wasn't the question.

close it in this tray area and it should stop it from running in the background

I'm aware of that, why are you replying to me with this?
Last edited by Large Tomatoes; Jan 7, 2024 @ 9:49am
SoulaRity Jan 13, 2024 @ 12:04am 
Originally posted by Large Tomatoes:
I'm unsure of a keyboard shortcut, I cannot see an option to force a full shutdown when closed either. In my opinion the latter should be given as an option, much like you get in Slack and the such, by default it will close the UI but keep the service running, checking the option closes the service when the UI is closed.

As for the reason, I think they do this so that updates/downloads can continue when the UI is closed.

Yes, I have the same issue. My laptop sucks and I can tell when steam is operating in the background and there is no way to shut it off permanently. Even if I try to shut it off manually it just turns right back on. The worst part is I could start up my PC and not touch steam the entire time and it will start up even if my settings are set to not start it up. It's unnecessary and stupid. Pressing those three buttons doesn't solve the issue, it just creates more frustration. I was reading a three year old thread so this is not new but there's also no way to fix it. If there is a way and I'm missing it, please comment and let me know. But, if your comment says press those three buttons then you can't read. Steam, fix this issue and stop ignoring your discussion boards.
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Date Posted: Aug 3, 2023 @ 2:34pm
Posts: 6